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Earth day 2009. (◠v◠)
Thanks for Google, for their Earth Day logo - I know its Earth Day. What I'm going to do? I'm banning styrofoam in my life. Use banana leafs, I love eating from banana leafs. Maybe we'll need sturdier leafs, that's where genetic engineers comes in. (◠v◠) Or bring your own plate, baskets people. Don't tell me you're too lazy. Too odd maybe. (◠p◠)
Also trying, banning plastics. I always feel very guilty throwing away styrofoams & plastics, thinking it will pollute the earth. I can imagine myself sinning for 1,000 years! (◠-◠)' My great great great... great grand kids will totally hate me for ruining the planet.
Honestly, I'd love to live without the "throw away" culture. I like faithfulness. I do use my things for a very long time & intends to. (◠-◠)v