This post is only trying to understand the events of the world
![]() c 4000 BC Mesopotamia rose at the Tigris Euphrates ☆ |
![]() c 2000 BC Egypt at the Nile (West) ☆ ☆ Harapa at the Indus (East) ☆ ☆ |
![]() c 1500 BC Chinese at the Yellow (Far East) ☆ |
From Judea, did they spread to Mesopotamia. Then north to the Eurasian Steppe, birthing R1A. — Indo Europeans from Yamna at the Dnieper Donets during the Bronze Age |
R1A Steppe spread East West. R1A German Slav met E, G, I, J while R1A Aryan met D, G, H. — R1A German Slav (Europe) — R1A Aryan (Indus) REF REF — R1A Asia (Eurasia) MAP | REF Weaving in Egypt, Indus. REF WIKI Silk in China. REF REF 商 Abraham ﷺ [QA] moved to the Holy Lands fom Ur. MAP He settled Ishmael ﷺ [QA] in Mecca and they built the Kaaba. |
Weaving in East West. REF REF Mining exports from Eurasia to Mediterranean. REF REF REF REF Food exports from South Asia to Levant. REF — R1A Indo Iran (Hindu Kush) — R1A Mittani (Assyria) — R1B Egypt REF REF Indus decline. REF REF Israelite moved to Egypt. After the Exodus, they received the Covenant REF at the Sinai. Wandering for 40 years — did they reached India REF HEAR as far as China. REF REF 4:23 |
![]() c 1000 BC Celt at the Rhine (Far West) ☆ |
![]() c 500 BC Eastern Assyrian ☆ Babylon ☆ Persia ☆ |
![]() c 300 BC Western Macedon ☆ ☆ Grece ☆ Rome ☆ REF |
— R1A Medes, Persian (Iran) Israelite entered the Holy Land, ruling the Iron Age. Solomon ﷺ [QA] built the First Temple in Jerusalem. REF REF REF 周 |
— R1A Scythian MAP | REF REF — North and Central India taken over Then the First Temple was destroyed. Israelite exiled, the Lost Tribes disappeared while the Jews settled in Persia — did they mass migrated to India. Later, the Persian Cyrus rebuilt the Second Temple. |
After Alexander, Greek culture spread West and East. MAP The Jews in Egypt became Hellenized, similar to Indo Greeks in Cen Asia — were they the Lost Tribes. REF | REF REF |
milleniums after
![]() ![]() | 1 The Roman and Persian Empire ☆ ☆ | ☆ When the new millennium dawned, Rome (West) met Persia (East) side by side in the Holy Land. Jesus ﷺ [QA] came to Jerusalem. Then the Romans destroyed the Second Temple. People of The Book — the Christians in Rome, the exiled Jews in Eastern Europe (Ashkenazi) and Persia (Babylon) REF REF R1A — wait for the Promised Messiah to rebuild the Temple. Then Rome embraced Christianty. The Empire divided into East and West — Eastern Rome with Constantinople (Byzantium) as capital, while Western Rome fell to Germanic invasions. REF REF — R1A Hun MAP | Z94 REF |
![]() | 600 Light Of Islam In Arabia In the 7th century, Muhammad ﷺ delivered the message of Islam in Mecca, and restored the Kaaba as it was during Abraham ﷺ [QA]. From Medina (מדינה), enlightenment spreads throughout Arabia, delivering the Arabs from the Age of Ignorance. REF |
![]() | 650 Light Of Islam In Holy Land Arabs peacefully took over Jerusalem from the Romans. QA Umar restored the Temple as it was during Abraham ﷺ and offered protection under the Covenant of Umar. The Jews returned from exile. Then the Umayyad ruled Syria (Rome), while Ahlul Bait moved to Iraq (Persia) where the Abbasid rose to power. ISHMAELITE | REVIVAL |
![]() | 700 Light Of Islam In The East And West The Umayyad reached Andalus (Far West), while the Abbasid reached China (Far East). Andalus, Baghdad and Bukhara rose as centers of knowledge. Scholars of Baitul Hikmah (بيت الحكمة House of Wisdom) in Baghdad translated wisdom into Arabic — were it sourced from Ancient Scriptures, notably Persia. In Europe, Western Rome was revived when the King of Franks Charlemagne was crowned Roman Emperor. While in Eastern Rome, the Grand Prince of Kiev Vladimir embraced Christianity. REF REF |
![]() | 1200 The Mongol Empire In the 13th century, the Mongols conquered cities from Asia to Europe. Baghdad and Bukhara fell, the shock reverberated in the Islamic world. But the Mamluk victoriously defeated them in Ain Jalut, ending the Mongols westward advance. REF In Eastern Europe, Kievan Rus too fell. REF Then the Mongols in China (Yuan) elected Shams Al Din from Bukhara as Governor in Yunan. He attracted thousands of locals to Islam. |
![]() | 1300 Light Of Islam After The Mongol A new era dawned when the Mongols in Persia (Ilkhanate), Central Asia (Chagatai), Kazakhstan to Crimea (Golden Horde), and later India (Mughal), embraced Islam. When the Ming replaced the Yuan, Nanjing became a center of Islamic learning in China. Zheng He, the descendant of Shams Al Din — maintained peace which helps the spread of Islam in Nusantara. As the East in Andalas enlightened, so was the West in Andalus ☆ Legacy Then the Ottoman conquered Constantinople 2 from the Byzantine in Europe (قيصر Qayser), as well as the Holy Lands from the Mamluk in Arabia (خليفة Caliph). REF REF — R1A Turks | Z93 |
![]() ![]() | 1500 The European Colonialism Then Moscow replaced Constantinople as Third Rome (царь Tsar). Russia defeated the Khans and colonised Eurasia, while Spain conquered Granada. REF REF After the Renaissance, Western Europeans sailed during the Age Of Discovery and colonized nations world wide. It was under the colonials, that European culture became ingrained. By the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution increased globalization. As republics emerged, the Western Roman Emperor Francis II abdicated. REF |
![]() ![]() US of America | ref ref French Republic | ref ref German Republic | ref ref Soviet Republic 🚩 ref ref China Republic 🚩 ref ref Afghanistan Republic 🚩 ref ref Iranian Republic | ref ref India, Turkey Republic | ref ref ref Iraq Republic 🚩 ref ref ref Syria Republic | ref 🚩 ref Egypt Republic | ref ref 🚩 ref Yemen Republic | ref ref 🚩 | 1900 Till Present World War I saw British, US, France defeat German, Ottoman. The German Emperor abdicated arising the Nazi (Third Reich), while the Tsar (Third Rome) was executed arising Communist USSR. The Ottoman Caliph too fell 3 arising modern Turkey, while the Qajar Shah was replaced by the modern Iranian Shah (exiled after Rev 1979). World War II REF started by Nazi — USSR rivalry, saw the Holocaust leading to the creation of the State Of Israel. Palestine lost its lands, and are still seeking for the State Of Palestine till this day. The Hashemite too fell in Hejaz (Mecca), Iraq, Syria and Yemen — with Hashemite Iraq executed — only Hashemite Jordan survive as Custodian of Jerusalem. Till this day Iraq, Syria and Yemen still face upheavals, while KSA and Gulf are enrich by oil 1 and modernized. World War II finally ended in 1945 after the Allies defeated the Nazi and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Then Japan regained sovereignty from the Allies, British India partitioned into India and Pakistan, and nations achieved independence. The rise of Communism led to the Cold War. REF The Communist Party took over China, while the Nationalist Party retreated to Taiwan. The USSR invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq invasion of Kuwait were countered by the US. The Cold War finally ended with the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. |


يوشك الفرات أن يحسرعن كنز من ذهب | REF
وفتح القسطنطينية خروج الدجال | REF
يقاتل المسلمون الترك | REFHUSSEIN REFUSED THE
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم
Map Of Mankind | ![]() Nana | ![]() Civilizations | ![]() Book Of Life | ![]() The Towers |
6 comments on "Millenials"
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
بينما نحن عند رسول الله ﷺ إذ أقبل فتية من بني هاشم
فلما رآهم النبي ﷺ اغرورقت عيناه وتغير لونه
قال : فقلت ما نزال نرى في وجهك شيئاً نكرهه
فقال : إنا أهل بيت اختار الله لنا الآخرة على الدنيا
وإن أهل بيتي سيلقون بعدي بلاءً وتشريداً وتطريداً
حتى يأتي قوم من قبل المشرق معهم رايات سود
فيسألون الخير فلا يعطونه، فيقاتلون فينصرون
فيعطون ما سألوا فلا يقبلونه
حتى يدفعوها إلى رجل من أهل بيتي
فيملؤها قسطاً كما ملؤوها جورا
فمن أدرك ذلك منكم فليأتهم ولو حبوا على الثلج
While we were with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, some youngsters from Banu Hashim came along. When the Prophet ﷺ saw them, his eyes filled with tears and his color changed. I said : "We still see something in your face that we do not like."
He said : "We are members of a Household for whom Allah has chosen the Hereafter over this world. The people of my Household will face calamity, expulsion and exile after I am gone, until some people will come from the east carrying black banners.
They will ask for something good but will not be given it. Then they will fight and will be victorious, then they will be given what they wanted, but they will not accept it and will give leadership to a man from my family. Then they will fill it with justice just as it was filled with injustice. Whoever among you lives to see that, let him go to them even if he has to crawl over snow."
Hadith from Sunan Ibn Majah, grade daif (weak)
This hadith is weak, but is it the black banner which fell the Abbasid (Banu Hashim)
After the Khan (Mongol) conquered cities from Asia to Europe, they embraced Islam
فترجف المدينة بأهلها ثلاث رجفات
ويدعي ذلك اليوم يوم الخلاص ...
فقالت أم شريك بنت أبى العكر: يا رسول الله فأين العرب يومئذ؟
قال هم يومئذ قليل وجلهم ببيت المقدس وإمامهم رجل صالح
فبينما أمامهم قد تقدم يصلى بهم الصبح اذ نزل عليهم عيسَى بن مريم الصبح
وتملأ الأرض من السلم كما يملأ الإناء من الماء ...
وتكون الكلمة واحدة، فلا يعبد إلا الله
وتضع الحرب أوزارها وتسلب قريش ملكها
وتكون الأرض كفاثور الفضة تنبت نباتها بعهد آدم
Then Al Madinah will be shaken with its people three times ... And that day will be called the Day of Deliverance. Umm Sharik bint Abi 'Akar said: "O Messenger of Allah, where will the Arabs be that day?" He said: "On that day they will be few, and most of them will be in Baitul Maqdis (Jerusalem), and their leader will be a righteous man. When their leader has stepped forward to lead them in subh prayer, Eisa (Jesus) bin Maryam will come down to them ...
The Earth will be filled with peace just as a vessel is filled with water. The people will be united and none will be worship except Allah. War will cease and Quraish will no longer be in power. The Earth will be like a silver platter, with its vegetation growing as it did at the time of Adam
Partial hadith from Sunan Ibn Majah, grade daif (weak)
This hadith is weak, but will the Hashemite disappear after the Second Coming
Which will mean if the Hashemite disappears, we should wait for the Hour
I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم
NOTE In the Far West, King Mohammed VI of Morocco is from the Alaouite, the family of Sharif شريف who claim descent from Prophet Mohammed ﷺ. In the Far East, there is also the Sharifah شريفة (Al Junid), descendants of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ from Yemen .:❄:. Eve
In ancient time we do not give leadership to those who ask for it
إنا لا نولي هذا من سأله ولا من حرص عليه
We do not assign the authority of ruling to those who ask for it
nor to those who are keen to have it
لا تسأل الإمارة
فإنك إن أوتيتها عن مسألة وكلت إليها
وإن أوتيتها من غير مسالة أعنت عليها
Do not seek to be a ruler, because if you are given authority for it, then you will be held responsible for it, but if you are given it without asking for it, then you will be helped in it (by Allah)
And regarding "non muslim" as superior in leadership than "muslim"
It is the person's comprehension of knowledge, that enlightens him
When he knows, he fears this grand responsibility that will be questioned ☆ Ming
جدون الناس معادن خيارهم في الجاهلية خيارهم في الإسلام إذا فقهوا
وتجدون خير الناس في هذا الشأن أشدهم له كراهية
Those who were the best in the pre lslamic period, are also the best in Islam if they comprehend religious knowledge. You see that the best among the people in this respect (i.e. ambition of ruling) are those who hate it most
It used to be ... the leader knows the knowledge by heart
خفف على داود عليه السلام القرآن
The reciting of the Zabur (i.e. Psalms) was made easy for David
But now what is knowledge, the call for no knowledge, so we pray leaders have sense
May the infrastructure raised, and the workforce and goods flow ☆ Dream Land
BTW don't you think the export democracy to the ME doesn't work
After the Rome nations are liberalized, they went dark in one stripe
There's a prophecy regarding Rome ثم تغزون الروم
والسكينة في أهل الغنم، والإيمان يمان والحكمة يمانية .:❄:. prophecy
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