Prophet Muhammad's ﷺ complete lineage
Below is the lineage of Ishmaelite from Prophet Adam ﷺ

Prophet Adam ﷺ [QA] was the first man created by Allah SWT. He & his wife, Hawa lived in the Garden of Eden. But after eating the Forbidden Fruit, they were sent down to Earth. They were separated on Earth, & was reunited at Arafah only after 200 years.
• Arafah عرفة (عرف : recognize) is due to them recognizing each other
• Jeddah (جدة : grandmother) is due to Hawa, the grandmother of mankind
Adam & Hawa have three sons - Cain, Abel and Seth. The first murder was committed when Cain killed Abel. [QA] It was from Seth, that the generations descended to Prophet Enoch ﷺ.

Prophet Noah ﷺ [QA] descended from Prophet Enoch. It was during his time, that the Great Flood perished the people, including his son Qan'aan. المغرقين [Q11:42-43] Only those on the Ark survived. After the deluge, the Ark rested on Judiyy. الجودي [Q11:44]
When mankind started again, Noah's sons — Shem, Ham & Japheth — fathered the descendants. وجعلنا ذريته هم الباقين [Q37:75-77] For Shem, he fathered the various semite nations, through his sons — Elam, Asshur, Arpachshad, Lud & Aram. Arpachshad is said to live in Mesopotamia, with his descendants. They lived in the Sumerian City of Ur near the Euphrates River.
• "Semite" (ساميّ) is said to be derived from Shem
• "Hebrew" (عبري) is said to derived from Eber
Prophet Abraham (אברהם إبراهيم) : Father Of The Prophets
Prophet Abraham ﷺ [QA] the descendant of Prophet Noah, fully embraced the faith in One Allah with his pure heart. But his father & his people had become idol worshippers. He advised them but he was rejected. So he left his homeland Ur, and settled in Hebron. الأرض التي باركنا فيها للعالمين [Q21:71] He also traveled around to Harran, Egypt and Mecca.
• Hebron (Al-Khalil), near Jerusalem, is named after Abraham
• The Sanctuary of Abraham in Hebron is believed to be his tomb
His son Prophet Isaac ﷺ [QA] from Sarah, fathered the Israelite
His son Prophet Ishmael ﷺ [QA] from Hajar, fathered the Ishmaelite

By Allah's SWT command, Prophet Abraham left his wife Hajar and baby son Ishmael, in the barren land of Mecca. & enough is Allah for them, Zam Zam water burst & flourished the land! Soon, the Jurhum tribe joined them. Prophet Ishmael grew up with them & married a Jurhum girl. بواد غير ذي زرع عند بيتك المحرم [Q14:37] قال إلى الله فقالت السيدة هاجر رضيت بالله ... فلم تحس أحدا ... كأنه ينشغ للموت ... فانبثق الماء ... فمر ناس من جرهم ... فبلغ ابنها فنكح فيهم امرأة [SB4.55.584 | syiar] وتعلم العربية منهم [SB4.55.583 | ref]
Prophet Abraham also visited them from time to time. Then, Prophet Abraham & Prophet Ishmael built the Ka'aba, the first House of worship for Allah SWT. They purified the Kaaba, as well as performed the pilgrimage & sacrifice. إن أول بيت وضع للناس للذي ببكة [Q3:96-97] مثابة للناس ... يرفع إبراهيم القواعد من البيت وإسماعيل [Q2:125-129] بوأنا لإبراهيم مكان البيت ... وليطوفوا بالبيت العتيق [Q22:26-33]
• Maqam Ibrahim is situated in front of the Ka'aba مقام إبراهيم مصلى [Q2:125 | ref]
• Zam Zam water still flourishes till this day الصفا والمروة من شعائر الله [Q2:158 | ref]
Quraysh (قريش) : Custodian Of The Ka'aba

Then, Qusay bin Kilab took over custody of the Kaaba from the Khuza'ah tribe, and the Quraysh became the custodian of the Kaaba. His grandson Hashim, who fathered the Hashemite, started the tradition of giving bread to pilgrims. They safeguarded the Ka'aba & served the pilgrims well.
Hashim is said to be married to Salma bint Amr from the Banu Najjar tribe in Yathrib (Medina). The interesting thing is, a text thought to be the Medina Constitution states that Banu Najjar are Jews. Then Hashim and Salma's son Shaibah, became the grandfather of Prophet Muhammad خاتم النبيين .ﷺ [Q33:40]
Hashim has a conjoined twin, Abd Shams — where legends said they were separated by a sword. Hashim's descendants became the Abbasid in the East (from Iraq to China), while Abd Shams' descendants became the Ummayyad in the West (from Syria to Spain).
The family of Quraish, Hashim, Abbas and Umayya
the beloved families of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم
![]() Millenials | Mankind | ![]() Israelite | Wisdom | Ana Albab |
11 comments on "Ishmaelite"
"You keep good relations with your Kith and kin, help the poor and the destitute, serve your guests generously and assist the deserving calamity-afflicted ones."
- Khadija bint Khuwaylid (RA)
Wife of Prophet Muhammad & Mother of believers
The Princess of Quraysh
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "The word 'Ar-Rahm (womb) derives its name from Ar-Rahman (i.e., one of the names of Allah) and Allah said: 'I will keep good relation with the one who will keep good relation with you, (womb i.e. Kith and Kin) and sever the relation with him who will sever the relation with you, (womb, i.e. Kith and Kin).' "
[Sahih Bukhari 8.73.17]
اعوذب لله من الشيطان الرجيم
The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, practise regular charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His mercy: for Allah is Exalted in power, Wise. [Quran 9:71] | more
In this world, perhaps there is pride in pedigrees. But on Judgement Day, everyone is valued by faith & deeds.
But when there comes the Deafening Blast. On the Day a man will flee from his brother. And his mother and his father. And his wife and his children. For every man, that Day, will be a matter adequate for him. [Quran 80:33-37]
Dear Allah SWT, الحمد لله
Just now I wished to just rest & it would be nice if someone who looks like Gandalf of LOTR would narrate me the ancients history. & I found Irving Finkel! He's an expert in ancient Mesopotamia (i.e. Sumerian, Babylonian and Assyrian). ماشاء الله Allah SWT pities me a lot! ♥
By fate, Pope Shenouda III. (Father Antonios el-Syriani) passed away.
إن لله وإن إليه راجعون
عبري is hebrew & عربي is arabic
it's spelled with a twist of letters!
& both is said to descend from Eber
سبحان الله
Salma bint Amr (سلمى بنت عمر) is the wife of Hashim & the mother of Shaibah (Abd al-Mutallib), thus the great grandmother of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
The interesting thing is, Wikipedia states that her father is Amr of Banu Najjar - a jewish tribe in Arabia. So. Was the Prophet's great great grandfather from a jewish tribe? She also lived in Yathrib (Medina), the home of jewish tribes.
I seek refuge in Allah SWT very much from errors.
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم
[1] Is Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) distantly related to Banu Najjar in Medina through his great grandmother, Salma bint Amr?
[2] The Medina Constitution Clause 26 seems to refers to the jews of Bani Najjar. So were they a jewish tribe in Medina?
[3] A map of the An-Nabawi Mosque shows north of the Baqi Graveyard, there's a region labelled Bani al-Najar. So, was the mosque built in an area where the Banu Najjar lived? Did they embrace Islam? [SB4.51.32]
[4] The book The Prophet of Islam, Al Noor Holdings, Qatar, ISBN 978-0-9807277-0-8, page 110, said the Prophet had a jewish neighbour. So did he live amongst the jews in Medina? [SM31.6107]
[5] Was there a Jewish Graveyard near the Baqi Graveyard? So again, if there was, did they live together?
I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors.
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم
& apparently, Banu Shaibah exists till this present day. ماشاء الله They're the keeper of the Holy Kaabah's key. Though, I dunno if I should pass these many questions to them. I ask too much, is it? (◠v◠)
اعوذب لله من الشيطان الرجيم
Indeed, We chose them for an exclusive quality: remembrance of the home (of the Hereafter). [Quran 38:46]
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