It's so spectacular in my mind, I wish I'm articulate .:❄️⚡:. Aura
so is zuriah like suria in the ARK, as if life birthed on Judea .:❄️⚡:. Taariq
Reaching the boundary of the Solar System ما شاء الله | SCALE at 25:00
Voyager 2 crossed the Termination Shock at ≈ 7 billion miles from Earth
إن الله خير عبدا بين الدنيا وبين ما عنده فاختار ما عند الله
Allah gave a choice to (His) slave, either this world or what is with Him, he chose what is with Allah
Allah gave a choice to (His) slave, either this world or what is with Him, he chose what is with Allah
![]() Space | ![]() Universe | Mankind : Begin | ![]() Nana | High Hopes |
7 comments on "Isra"
We're are getting there .:❄️⚡:.
"Voyager 1 is currently 14.5 billion miles (23.3 billion kilometers) from Earth, and it takes light 20 hours and 33 minutes to travel that difference." | REF | WIKI | NASA
OK so say one night is 10 hours. Then perhaps light travels about 7 billion miles in one night. For a 2 way trip, it is about 4 billion miles, which is at the end of the Solar System.
PONDER so is the Farthest Boundary (المنتهى) at the end of the Solar System
and reaching this boundary there are billions of other stars, galaxies ما شاء الله
It underwent such a change
that none amongst the creation
has the power to praise its beauty
To Sidrah Al Muntaha
and I was covered with fog
I fell down prostrate
"Light zips along through interstellar space at 186,000 miles (300,000 kilometers) per second ... in one year, and you get 5.8 trillion miles ... A trip at light speed to the very edge of our solar system – the farthest reaches of the Oort Cloud, a collection of dormant comets way, way out there – would take about 1.87 years ... If you could travel at light speed. Which, unless you’re a photon (a particle of light), you can’t, and, by current physics, might never be possible" | NASA
"One AU is the distance from the Sun to Earth, which is about 93 million miles, or 150 million kilometers. Neptune, the most distant planet from the Sun, is about 30 AU ... the term "solar system" is often used to mean the space out to the last planet. Scientific consensus, however, says the solar system goes out to the Oort Cloud, the source of the comets that swing by our sun on long time scales. Beyond the outer edge of the Oort Cloud, the gravity of other stars begins to dominate that of the Sun" | NASA
Still figuring how far one can go in one night
1 second = 186,000 miles
1 minute (60 seconds) = 11,160,000 miles
1 hour (60 minutes) = 669,600,000 miles
1 night (8 hours) = 5,356,800,000 miles ≈ 5 billion miles
1 night (10 hours) = 6,696,000,000 miles ≈ 6 billion miles
1 day (24 hours) = 16,070,400,000 miles ≈ 16 billion miles
Can it reach Temination Shock | SCALE | VIDEO
"The Termination Shock is the boundary marking one of the outer limits of the Sun's influence, and is one boundary of the solar system. It is where the bubble of solar wind particles slows down so that the particles are traveling slower than the speed of sound.
The solar wind particles slow down when they begin to press into the interstellar medium. The solar wind is made of plasma, and when it slows in this way, it goes through many changes. The solar wind plasma gets smooshed together, or compressed ... becomes much hotter ... Also, the solar wind carries outward some of the Sun's magnetic field, which now gets stronger at the termination shock and twists around.
We have only two direct measurements of the distance to the Termination Shock. These measurements were made by Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. Voyager 1 crossed the Termination Shock at 94 astronomical units (AU) and Voyager 2 crossed at 84 AU." | NASA
84 AU = 84 x 93,000,000 miles = 7,812,000,000 miles ≈ 7 billion miles
1 night (10 hours) = 6,696,000,000 miles ≈ 6 billion miles ≈ 72 AU
1 night (2 way) = 3,348,000,000 miles ≈ 3 billion miles ≈ 36 AU
"Kuiper Belt – a donut-shaped region of icy bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune. There may be millions of these icy objects, collectively referred to as Kuiper Belt objects ... Oort Cloud, which is a much more distant region of icy, comet-like bodies that surrounds the solar system, including the Kuiper Belt ...
The inner edge of the Kuiper Belt begins at the orbit of Neptune, at about 30 AU from the Sun ... The inner, main region of the Kuiper Belt ends around 50 AU from the Sun. Overlapping the outer edge of the main part of the Kuiper Belt is a second region called the scattered disk, which continues outward to nearly 1,000 AU, with some bodies on orbits that go even farther beyond ... Astronomers think the icy objects of the Kuiper Belt are remnants left over from the formation of the solar system." | NASA
So is the solar system surrounded by icy bodies
imagining the Pond Of Kauthar (حوض الكوثر) .:❄️:. ما شاء الله
The Angels and the Ruh ascend to Him in a Day
the measure whereof is fifty thousand years
"Our galaxy probably contains 100 to 400 billion stars, and is about 100,000 light-years across. That sounds huge, and it is, at least until we start comparing it to other galaxies. Our neighboring Andromeda galaxy, for example, is some 220,000 light-years wide. Another galaxy, IC 1101, spans as much as 4 million light-years" | NASA
Wow is it at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy ما شاء الله
so is this Heaven's "Day", which is about 50,000 light years
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