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Aug 31, 2014

Learning Chemistry

Posted By Snow at 8/31/2014
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

ذرة في الأرض ولا في السماء ...
ولا أصغر من ذلك ولا أكبر
إلا في كتاب مبين
... an atom in the earth or in the heaven, nor any thing less than that nor greater, but it is in a clear book | Partial Quran 10:61

PONDER Since electrons are current flowing around the nucleus and nearly massless, is the mass inside the nucleus i.e. protons & neutrons

What energize this mass .:✨:. photons

nucleus +
electron —
proton +
and more

This is an atom. In its center, there is a [1] nucleus, surrounded by [2] electrons. Inside the nucleus there are protons & neutrons, and further inside there are particles like photon. Anyway, the protons inside the nucleus have a positive charge (+), while the electrons have a negative charge (—). When the number of protons equals the electrons, the charges balance.

Nuclear Fusion
 1  hydrogenhydrogen
nuclear fusion
 2  helium
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

وما أدراك ما الطارق النجم الثاقب
And what will make you to know what At Taariq is? (It is) the star of piercing brightness. | Quran 86:2-3

PONDER Tarq طرق means "knock, pound". Is At Taariq الطارق "the pounding", referring to the smashing & fusing of atoms inside stars?

11 H
21 H
31 H
The first atomic element was created when the universe began. It is the simplest, hydrogen (H). Hydrogen is numbered 1, which means it's nucleus has 1 proton. It can also change isotope according to the number of neutrons.

Then gravity pulls the hydrogen atoms together into clumps. As more time passed, the clumps grew in size & pressure — until the atoms move so fast it start to smash & fuse their nucleus. This is called nuclear fusion.

Nuclear fusion created the second & third elements — helium & lithium. It also turned mass into light, so let there be light, the clumps burn as stars! ماشاء الله Inside the stars, the nuclear fusion continues, smashing & fusing, forming more elements.

Periodic Table Elements



















After the stars cooked up the elements in the periodic table [ref], we have all kinds of atoms.
For starters, these are atoms with elements number 1 — 18, with the protons numbered.


As you can see, atoms have shells around their nucleus. Atoms seek to have full shells, as it makes them stable (less reactive to other atoms).

For atoms with the atomic number 1-18, full shells means the 2-8-8 rule:
· shell 1 has 2 electrons
· shell 2 has 8 electrons
· shell 3 has 8 electrons

Atoms can give or share its electrons with other atoms, to make full shells.

Example 1: Give

The fluorine atom can't make a full second shell bcoz it's missing an electron. Sodium has an extra electron.

When sodium gives this electron to flourine, it becomes positively charged (more protons). When flourine receives this electron, it becomes negatively charged (more electrons). The opposite charges attracts & bond them. This is an ionic bond. | electromagnetic

Example 2: Share

The oxygen atom need 2 electrons to make a full second shell. When it meets another oxygen atom, both of them have the same electrons so no one wants to give. But they can share. Atom1 shares 2 electrons & Atom2 shares 2 electrons. This is a covalent bond.
OK. So I tried figuring how 2 hydrogen & 1 oxygen atoms bond to become water molecules. Is this right? So, when we have H2O, we have water. Then water & other elements bond to make up our human body. خلق من الماء بشرا [Q25:54], خالق بشرا من صلصال من حمإ مسنون [Q15:28-29], من طين لازب [Q37:11], من طين [Q32:7-9]

Next are bonding hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and more | organic

NOTE shell 1 hidden

C10 H16

C6 H6

C6 H12 O6

C12 H22 O11

C H4

oleic acid
C18 H34 O2

C O2

H2 O2

C3 H8 O3

C8 H7 N3 O2

C18 H10 N2 O4

C5 H5 N5 O

C4 H5 N3 O

DNA base pairs | ref ref

C5 H5 N5

C5 H6 N2 O2

C9 H13 N O3

C8 H11 N O3

C8 H11 N O2

C10 H12 N2 O

C4 H9 N O2

C7 H16 N O2

C5 H9 N O4

neurotransmitters of the nervous system | ref

heme of hemoglobin | ref ref
C34 H32 Fe N4 O4

chlorophyll of plants | ref
C55 H72 Mg N4 O5

I also tried figuring rust. It seems the iron (Fe) loses electrons to oxygen and water (OH)3.

4 Fe(s) + 6 H2O(l) + 3 O2(g) → rust 4 Fe(OH)3(s) | ref

And how the same carbon atom make two opposite stones — diamond & graphite. Even when both are pure carbon, it is their structure which makes them different. I hope I get the structure right. (◠v◠)' It seems the graphite is more dense, does it barricade light from passing through?

So that's how atoms build the universe, by bonding & interacting with each other ... ماشاء الله

Fundamental Forces

Atoms interaction is governed by 4 fundamental forces:

 1  Electromagnetic
It attracts or repulse electrically charged matter, causing electric or magnetic effects.
 2  Strong
It holds the positive nucleus together, so it basically attracts.
 3  Weak
It ejects sub atoms from the nucleus, causing radioactive decay.
 4  Gravity
It attracts matter
by their mass.


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

سبح اسم ربك الأعلى
الذي خلق فسوى والذي قدر فهدى
والذي أخرج المرعى فجعله غثاء أحوى
Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High. Who has Created (everything), and then Proportioned it. And Who has Measured (destined) and Guided. And who Brings out the pasture, and (then) Makes it black stubble. | Holy Quran 87:1-5

Well ... when I was in school, I only passed chemistry once. (m - m) But I'm so curious. So this is figuring things out & making it easy ... I hope I get this right. (◠v◠)' Now I see that the universe is designed — there are measurements, balance & time in the atom. Everything in this universe is obedient to a Law.

Jabir ibn Hayyan wrote Kitab Al-Kimya in the 8th century & inspired the European Geber. [ref]
Dreaming of the past? Well ... now we have Zara Salim Davidson. الحمد لله

I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors.
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم

7 comments on "Learning Chemistry"

Snow on Sep 2, 2014, 11:51:00 AM said...

So happy to be blessed with this discovery! \(◠v◠)/

"Are you in any way autistic..."
I still can't answer the exam questions (m-m) but I think I can see the visuals! الحمد لله

Snow on Nov 20, 2014, 2:04:00 PM said...

Yesterday, the japanese taught me about ice on fire. [methane hydrate] (◠o◠)
Can this explain the "boiling and intensely cold (drink)"? [Q38:57] والله أعلم

Snow on Dec 11, 2014, 11:46:00 AM said...

Glowing blood. How? Luminol. [ref]

The luminol mixture:
. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen (C8H7O3N3)
. hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
. hydroxide (OH-) and other chemicals

When this luminol mixture meets blood (particularly the hemoglobin which carries oxygen), a reaction happens where electrons in the oxygen atoms are boosted to higher orbitals, then quickly fall back to a lower energy level — the extra energy is emitted as light. Iron in the hemoglobin accelerates this reaction, so the light is bright enough to see in a dark room.

This reaction is known as chemiluminescence, which is what happens in fireflies.
So, can the blood glows from inside the human body as well? & it's the iron.. ماشاء الله

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
..the believing men and believing women, their light proceeding before them and on their right hand..

And press your (right) hand to your (left) side, it will come forth white.. [Q20:22]

Snow on Dec 11, 2014, 12:06:00 PM said...

The dynamo. It converts mechanical rotation into electrical energy by electromagnetism. How? When one magnet rotates inside the magnetic field of another magnet, this moves electrons between the atoms — producing electrical flow. [ref1, ref2, video]

So. Is this flow the chakra (disc, wheel)? (◠oo◠)

Earth's Geodynamo
At the heart of the planet, hot iron rises within the outer core, then cools and sinks. This convection combined with the Earth's rotation are thought to generate a geodynamo. This geodynamo powers the magnetic field, which protects Earth from solar wind. [ref | pic1, pic2] It is also used by animals (e.g. birds) for its navigational compass. [ref] ماشاء الله

Human Biodynamo
In the human heart, iron carries oxygen in the blood [ref] & sends it throughout the body before returning to the heart. So, does this generate a biodynamo in humans — powering a magnetic shield which protects us, and becomes our compass? والله أعلم

Snow on Mar 9, 2015, 12:23:00 PM said...

Salt Water

Salt is sodium chloride (NaCl) shaped in cubic crystal. When mixed in water (H2O) - the water ions are attracted to the salt ions - that when the water's attraction is strong enough, it releases the salt's individual ions: [photo | ref]
→ Na+ is surrounded by a shell of water
→ Cl- is surrounded by a shell of water

This dissolves the salt in water. The shell of water is the "solvation (or hydration) shell". [ref]
Then if the salt water is boiled, the water will evaporate leaving behind solid salt. [ref]

Salt In Our Body (Electrolyte)

"The sodium and chlorine in salt are electrolytes, minerals that conduct electricity in our fluids and tissues. Our kidneys maintain the balance of electrolytes and water by regulating the fluids that we take in and pass out of our bodies. If this balance is disturbed, our muscles, nerves and organs won't function correctly because the cells can't generate muscle contractions and nerve impulses." [ref1 | ref2] Will this explain our body energy? ماشاء الله

Burning Salt Water

John Kanzius' radio frequency generator (RFG) is a machine that generates radio waves - when focused into a concentrated area it heats it. Tested on salt water - the RFG releases the hydrogen and ignited the salt water. [ref | photo] (◠o◠) I keep seeing water burn... والله أعلم

Oh. No - I dunno if it's like how the soul separates from the body. (m-m) والله أعلم

Snow on Mar 9, 2015, 3:37:00 PM said...

It's called salvation err solvation. Watching IsaacsTeach. .:(◠v◠):.

Snow on Mar 9, 2015, 4:21:00 PM said...

Chemistry should be taught with yummy food. [bake it | eat it] (◠9◠)

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


קרן  .:💡:.  قرن
now in the cave
please forgive me if ever

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