שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד
فمن كان يرجوا لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا

Mar 3, 2022


Posted By Snow at 3/03/2022 2 comments

This Surah is named after the letter ص (saad), which is צ (tsade) in Hebrew.

I truly love the past me enjoying the Holy Quran. ما شاء الله I think I should share more, old me loves to look back. Only I wish I could make longer video, contemplating the whole Surah - here is just a short one. It tells of David as posessor of strength, and returns to Ilahi alongside the mountains and the birds. He was also blessed with wisdom and decisive speech (الخطاب).

O David, judge between the people with truth, and do not follow desire (الهوى)

And Ilahi Asks, "Are We to treat the righteous like the evil" .:🤍:. vision

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


קרן  .:💡:.  قرن
now in the cave

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