![]() SRIVIJAYA | 2 The map of Malay states and its neighbors 4th century BC Macedon dawns the Hellenistic Era 1 | ![]() JOHOR |

3 The Malay history from 3rd to 20th century
alongside events which shapes the world
3rd – 5th century Langkasuka ![]() A large scale iron smelting industry 4, 5, 6 in Lembah Bujang, Kedah. | ref ref PDF Around 4th century, Merong founded Langkasuka. A, B | HUN |
5th century Kalathana Federation ![]() Independance of Kalathana Federation from Funan. It included 4 states – Kalathana (Kelantan), Thanathana (Terengganu), Gangga Negara (Perak), 15 and Kuli (Pahang). In 427, it included Langkasuka. |
6th century Tanah Merah ![]() Kalathana was renamed Tanah Merah (Chih Tu 赤土). 7 In 591, its ruler Gautama stepped down to spread Buddhism. 2 |
Roman – Persian Era |
7th century Srivijaya ![]() Tanah Merah expanded its empire to Palembang and renamed Srivijaya. Palembang became a centre of Buddhism. After studying in Bihar, Yijing (義淨) 13 translated Sanskrit scriptures into Chinese and brought back translated Buddhist texts to China in 695. |
8th – 10th century Prosperity ![]() In 718, Sri Indravarman sent a letter to the Umayyad Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz requesting a scholar to teach Islam. بعث ملك الهند إلى عمر بن عبد العزيز ... قد أحببت أن تبعث إليّ رجلا يعلمني و يفهمني الإسلام | ref In 792, Srivijaya united with Sailendra. In 903, Ibn Rustah noted its prosperity. The people reached as far as Madagascar. |
11th – 14th century Fall, Singapura ![]() In 1025, Srivijaya was attacked by the Chola Empire and Sangrama was captured. In 1028, his son Sri Deva succeeded him. In 1299, Sang Nila Utama – a descendant of Sang Sapurba 3 and Srivijaya royals – founded Singapura. |
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Ar Rashidun Umayyad |
Islam Golden Age 8th Abbasid ☆ Baitul Hikmah 9th Samanid ☆ Bukhara 10th Umayyad ☆ Andalus |
Islam Golden Age 11th Kara Khanid, Seljuk 11th Su Fei Erh, Uyghurs 回族 8 13th Mongol, Mamluk |
9th – 14th century Sumatra, Java ![]() Islam was embraced through friendships and marriages with Arabs, Persians, Indians who came by the sea route. | ref ref Al Kindi noted the best quality swords are made of Yemeni iron, Qalai and Hindi. | ref ref The first Sultan of Perlak was Alauddin Syed Maulana in 840. In 1292, Marco Polo noted muslims in Perlak. In 1345, Ibn Batutta 11 noted the Samudera Pasai ruler was a Muslim - the first was Malikus Saleh who died in 1297. In ≈14th century, Wali Songo spread Islam in Java. | ref |
11th – 14th century Peninsula, Borneo ![]() A muslim tombstone dated 1028 was found in Pahang. | ref In 1136, Mudzaffar Shah I embraced Islam after being introduced to it by Indian traders, and became the first Sultan of Kedah. | ref The Batu Bersurat of Terengganu dated 1303 shows the advent of Islam and the Jawi script. Around 1380, the first mosque in Simunul was established by Makhdum Karim. | ref ref |
15th century Peninsula, Borneo ![]() In 1400, Iskandar Shah embraced Islam after marrying a princess from Pasai, and became the first Sultan of Melaka. Then under Mansur Shah, Melaka became a center of scholarship and Islam | ref In 1425, Sharif Ali of Mecca became the third Sultan of Brunei. In 1450, Syed Abu Bakar from Palembang became the first Sultan of Sulu. | ref ref ref Zheng He's (郑和) 9, 10 armada safeguards the region under the Ming (明) Dynasty. | ref ref ref |
Islam Golden Age 13th Mongol, Mamluk |
Islam Golden Age 13th Mongol, Mamluk |
15th Ottoman, Ming Dynasty 15th Spain ☆ Renaissance |
16th - 18th century Aceh, Johor ![]() After Malacca fell to the Portuguese in 1511, the Malaccan heirs moved to Perak and Johor. Aceh and Johor still welcomed descendants of Prophet Muhammad. | ref ref ref In 1520, Sharif Muhammad from Johor became the first Sultan of Maguindanao. In 1565, Spanish colonization began - calling the Muslims "Moro" (Moors). | ref In 1579, Alauddin from Perak became the Sultan of Aceh. His daughter married Syed Adullah Al Aidrus from Hadhramaut, whose descendants became Bendahara of Johor. They rose as Sultans of Johor and Terengganu. In 1641, the Dutch - Johor alliance fell the Portuguese in Malacca. Under agreement, the Dutch ruled Malacca. In 1786, Francis Light leased Penang Island on behalf of the British East India Company. The land fell to British in 1791, and British colonization began. | ref |
19th century Malaya (Tanah Melayu) ![]() In 1819, Johor empire divided - with Sultan Abdul Rahman in Riau Lingga, while Sultan Hussein in Johor. Hussein signed treaties with Stamford Raffles, and Singapore became a British trading post. | ref ref | ref In 1824, the Anglo Dutch Treaty established British in Johor, while Dutch in Riau Lingga. | map In 1826, the Straits Settlements (Penang, Malacca, Singapore) was established. After Hussein passed away in 1835, Singapore became the seat of government with Daing Ibrahim installed in 1841. Then the Johor Treaty 1855 recognized Hussein's son, Ali as Sultan of Singapore, after ceding Johor except Muar to Daing. | ref In 1867, the Straits became British Crown colony. In 1897, the court ruled Ali has no succesor and Istana Kampong Glam belonged to the Crown. | ref | ref ref | ref ref In 1898, the Federal Council was established to rule the Federated States – Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang – which received British Residents. | ref Under British rule, the land became British Malaya - profiting from its resources e.g. palm, rubber, tin, timber - and brought in large influx of immigrants. | ref ref ref ref ref | ref ref ref |
20th century Malaysia ![]() In 1909, the Anglo Siamese Treaty established British in Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu, while Siam in Patani. | ref ref | map In 1910, Dutch Shell discovered the first oil well in Miri. | ref | ref ref Then came WWII. The Japanese invaded Kota Baru in 1941 and Singapore in 1942. But they surrendered after the 1945 atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (ended WWII). In 1946, the British established Malayan Union, * which was opposed by the Malays. The Malaya Federation replaced it in 1948, a general election ** was held in 1955, and the Federation gained independence in 1957. * Malayan Union Kuala Lumpur as capital, Singapore as a separate Crown colony, and the Sultans conceding powers except in religious matters. ** Democracy With Monarchy The Agong, chosen among the 9 rulers, appoints the Prime Minister and the cabinet. Elections appoints members for Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Undangan Negeri. In 1963, the Federation united with Singapore, North Borneo and Sarawak to form Malaysia. In 1965, Singapore left Malaysia. ref | ref ref ref | ref ref | ref ref ref C In 1968, the communists renewed insurgency, lasting until the 1989 peace accord. | ref |
Colonial Era Spain, Portugal Dutch, British America | ref Ottoman, Mughal R1A Qing Dynasty | ref |
Colonial Era Dutch, British French Republic | ref America | ref Mughal | ref ref China | ref Japan | ref |
World War I II | ref Cold War | ref German Republic | ref ref Soviet Republic | ref ref China Republic | ref ref Turkey, India Rep | ref ref Iranian Republic | ref ref Yemen Republic | ref ref |
[1] Alexander established cities (Alexandria) | ref map [2] Greco Buddhism in the Hellenistic Era | ref ref ref ref [3] छुरी Cura Si Manjakini from Mandakini | map [4] Iron works in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar (1,000 BC) | ref ref [5] Corrosion resistant Iron Pillar in Delhi (5th century) | ref [6] Damascus Steel ingots from India (10th century) | ref ref [A] At Tarikh Salasilah [B] Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa |
Chih Tu 赤土 is "red earth" | laterite [7] Uyghurs 回纥 of Turkic clans | DNA R1 [8] Shams Al Din of Bukhara | DNA L1a-M76 [9] 15th century Zheng He (郑和) | map [10] 14th century Ibn Battuta | map [11] 13th century Marco Polo | map [12] 7th century Yijing (義淨) | map [13] 7th century Xuanzang (玄奘) | map [14] |
[C] Beating The Odds Together | ref 50 Years of Singapore-Israel Ties |
2nd century Ptolemy | ref map [15] |
![]() language migration | ||||
alchemy χημεία الكيمياء kimia |
antique αντίκα عتيق एंटीक antik |
armário armārium अलमारी almari |
bazaar παζάρι بازار बाजार pasar |
body بدن बदन badan |
چرخ चक्र cakera |
canon κανών قانون कानून kanun |
current קרן किरण kirana |
duo δύο دو दो dua |
fairy پری परी pari |
genus γένος جنس jenis |
heart हृदय hati |
hero ήρωας वीर wira |
ενέχυρο إقرار इक़रार ikrar |
κεφάλι کله कपाल kepala |
κουτί قوطی चौखटा kotak |
coolie कुली kuli |
lamp λάμπα لامپا लैंप lampu |
mega μέγας megah |
mind मन minda |
man אנוש ناس मनुष्य manusia |
marble μάρμαρο مرمر मरमर marmar |
mortal موت मौत maut |
name όνομα نام नाम nama |
prime परम param(eswara) |
point बिंदी bintik |
πανδοκεῖον פונדק فندق pondok |
royal reich rēgia राज्य raja |
same साम्य sama |
sandals σανδάλια صندل सैंडल sandal |
series σειρά سلسلة सिलसिला salasilah (siri) |
שיר شعر शायरी syair |
sir κύριε سر श्री sri |
soap σαπούνι صابون साबुन sabun |
star αστέρι ستاره तारा sitara |
story ιστορία أساطير शास्त्र sastera |
tea τσάι چای चाय teh |
typhoon τυφώνας طوفان तूफान taufan |
venus वनिता wanita |
vizierوزير वज़ीर wazir |
brother برادر भ्राता |
candy قند कैंडी |
center κέντρο केंद्री |
door θύρα در द्वार |
χειμώνας हिम |
χαλί قالی गलीचा |
navel ناف नाभि |
shawl σάλι شال शाल |
spinach σπανάκι اسفناج | τιμή درهم दाम |
Macedon Mauriya ❄ Ottoman Mughal R1A
After the 4th century BC conquest of Alexander, the Greeks settled northwest of Mauriya
They later became Indo Greeks, linking Europe with Asia through the Silk Road
After the 4th century BC conquest of Alexander, the Greeks settled northwest of Mauriya
They later became Indo Greeks, linking Europe with Asia through the Silk Road
![]() Millenials | Millenium BC | ![]() Nana | ![]() Ming | ![]() ❤ Nusantara |
5 comments on "Suri"
3rd – 5th century : Kedah
A large scale iron smelting industry existed in Lembah Bujang, Kedah.
5th century : Kalathana
Bhadreswararaja led the independence of the Kalathana Federation, which included 4 states – Kalathana (Kelantan), Thanathana (Terengganu), Gangga Negara (Perak), and Kuli (Pahang) from the Funan Empire. In 427, it expanded to Langkasuka. Through diplomatic relations, China protected it in 430.
6th century : Tanah Merah
Gautama renamed Kalathana to Tanah Merah (Chih Tu 赤土). In 589, he sent an envoy to the Sui Dynasty of China. In 591, he stepped down to spread Buddhism, and was succeeded by his son Sri Jaya.
7th – 14th century : Srivijaya
Gautama's great grandson, Sri Jayanasa expanded the empire to Palembang and renamed it Srivijaya. Palembang became a centre of Buddhism; where Yijing translated Sanskrit scriptures into Chinese, bringing back some 400 translated Buddhist texts to China in 695.
In 718, Sri Indravarman sent a letter to the Umayyad Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz requesting a scholar to teach Islam.
In 792, Srivijaya united with Sailendra when Sri Dharmasetu's son in law, Samaratungga succeeded him. In 903, Ibn Rustah noted the prosperity of Srivijaya. Its influence led to migrations as far as Madagascar. But in 1025, Srivijaya was attacked by the Chola Empire and Sangrama Vijayatunggavarman was captured. In 1028, his son Sri Deva succeeded him.
In 1299, Nila Utama, a descendant of Srivijaya royals founded Singapura.
9th – 15th century : Sultanates
One of the earliest states to receive Islam is the Perlak Sultanate in 840, through mixed marriages with Arabs and Persians. In 1292, Marco Polo noted there were Chinese and Persian Muslims living there. In 1345, Ibn Batutta noted the ruler of Samudera Pasai was a pious Muslim. These states are in North Sumatra.
In neighboring Kedah, Mudzaffar Shah I embraced Islam in 1136 and became the first Sultan of Kedah. The Batu Bersurat of Terengganu dated 1303 and written in Jawi Arabic script, is evidence of the advent of Islam in North Peninsula. In the 15th century, Iskandar Shah embraced Islam as well and became the first Sultan of Melaka.
7th – 10th century : Tang Dynasty
China met the Abbasid when Emperor Suzong (756 – 762) faced the An Lushan Rebellion. He requested aid from Caliph Al-Mansur (754 – 775), in which the Arab contingent settled in China. Al-Mansur was also the Abbasid caliph who founded a palace library which became the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, famed for scholars e.g. Khawarizmi. Arabs and Persian traders too arrived in China through the Silk Road and the sea port of Zaitun (Quanzhou).
10th – 13th century: Song Dynasty
Emperor Shen Tsung (1067 – 1085) faced the Liao Empire and invited men from Bukhara to settle in China. At the time Bukhara was the capital of the KaraKhanid Empire (1000 –1200), which under the previous Samanid empire had revived Persian culture to rival Baghdad for its scholars e.g. Avicenna. They were led by a Bukharan Emir Su Fei Erh, who played a big role in forming the Hui people. They eventually settled between Kaifeng and Yenching (Beijing). Through the sea route, Arab merchants also settled in Hangzhou.
13th – 14th century : Yuan Dynasty
When the Mongols came, the Abbasid fell in Baghdad in which the House of Wisdom was destroyed; and Shams Al-Din (Sai Dian Chi), the son of the Sultan of Bukhara became a prisoner in Peking. But Shams Al-Din was later appointed as Governor in Yunan in 1274.
Through the sea route, Marco Polo accompanied the Mongols in 1292 and noted muslim Chinese and Persians in North Sumatra. In 1345, Ibn Battuta visited North Sumatra and noted its Muslim ruler; as well as Quanzhou and Hangzhou where he noted its Muslim quarter. He presented gifts to Togon Temür (1333 – 1370).
14th – 17th century : Ming Dynasty
Muslims flourished in China, where Nanjing became a center of Islamic learning. Emperor Hongwu (1368 – 1398) himself decreed the building of mosques throughout China and wrote the 100 word praise of Islam.
They appointed Admiral Zheng He (1405 – 1433) who maintained peace which helped the spread of Islam in Nusantara. Shi Jinqing (1407 — 1421) was also appointed chief in Palembang after he helped defeat the pirates with Admiral Zheng He; he was a Muslim whose ancestors were Hui people from Hangzhou. When Sultan Mansur Shah (1459 – 1477) of Melaka married Hang Li Po, her entourage settled at Bukit Cina.
Sultan Mansur Shah too promoted scholarship and translation efforts. In China, the Zij زيج astronomical book was translated as Huihui Lifa 回回歷法. ☆ Wish
I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم
Sindhi (سندھی सिन्धी) is an Indo Aryan group native to the Sindh province. The word sindh is from the Sanskrit सिन्धु (sindhu : river), in reference to the Indus River | map
6th century BC : Achaemenid Persia
Under the Achaemenid Empire | Persia
4th – 3rd century BC : Macedon Mauriya
Alexander the Great conquered Sindh (the Greeks called it Indós, hence modern Indus). They settled north west of Mauriya, and came to a treaty with Chandragupta Mauriya. When Ashoka Mauriya embraced Buddhism after the war in Kalinga, he spread it across the region – the bilingual Kandahar Edict in Greek describes his remorse and conversion.
Then Mauryan rule was overthrown by the Shunga. In the disorder, Demetrius I led an invasion of India. His descendants rule as Indo Greeks — under Menander I many Indo Greeks embraced Buddhism.
3rd century : Sassanid Persia
Persian Sassanid installed vassals (Kushanshahs). It was around the 5th century Persian Empire, that Derbar Raja (Merong Mahawangsa) is said to have come from Cameron (Bandar Abbas) to Kedah, and founded Langkasuka.
7th – 9th century : Abbasid
When Islam reached Baghdad, the Abbasid built the House Of Wisdom. Situated near Persia and India, the House Of Wisdom translated eastern Persian and Indian scriptures, besides western Greek etc. Scholars from India was invited by Al Mansur to share mathematical, astronomical knowledge – it was from Baghdad that the Hindu Arabic numeral spread farther west. Muslims arrived and settled in Sindh | map
13th – 18th century : Mongol
The Mongol conquest destroyed the House Of Wisdom.
Eventually, the Mongol Khans embraced Islam. Babur founded the Mughal Empire. Humayun joined the Sindhi Emir Hussein Umrani. Under Akbar, Sindh produced scholars. Shah Jahan ordered the construction of the Shahjahan Mosque, and Muhammad Salih Tahtawi designed a seamless celestial globe with Arabic and Persian inscriptions. Wealthy merchant-rulers such as Mir Bejar attracted close ties with the Sultan of Oman.
19th century : British East India
The British East India Company conquered Sindh.
20th century : Partition
After the partition of India in 1947, Sindhi Hindus and Sindhi Sikhs migrated to India. Today, Indians are predominantly Hindu, while Pakistanis are predominantly Muslim.
I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم
From the 7th - 17th century there was the Golden Age Of Islam. With Baghdad and Bukhara as renowned centers of knowledge, the light spread across Persia, Central Asia, North India to Nusantara, in which knowledge was written with Arabic letters. In the East, there were the Mughal, even the Ming loves muslims. That was the 1,000 years of glory - a faith which narrates the history and future of mankind. Then it disappeared.
And now we are living in the trial era until there is no more light on Earth .:☆:.
REPOST Total solar eclipse on 9th March 2016 | ref | path الحمد لله
It begins in the Indian Ocean, across parts of Indonesia (Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi) & ends in the northern Pacific Ocean. The first city to see it is Palembang, the Venice of Sumatra. Interestingly the eclipse also coincided with MH370 ❀ الله يرحمهم
"Syed Sharif Omar bin Ali Al Junied was a wealthy Hadhrami Arab merchant from Palembang, where he had set up business after migrating from his hometown in Tarim, Yemen ... descendants of Islamic Prophet Muhammad" | ref 40 | Asma MH17 ❀ الله يرحمهم
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