![]() | COOL SMALL | ![]() | HOT BIG | ![]() | ||
OK imagine the universe is basically particles. Some are very small they fly around (e.g. light), and some grew big into a mass (e.g. body mass). So when the small particles hit our body mass, our body nerves sense it — like how the eye sense visible light. But our eyes can't sense other particles beyond visible light — from gamma to UV, and infrared to radiowave — even as they hit our body. لا ترونهم

The strong shield is close to visible light, as mass is energized into light
The weak shield is close to microwave, as mass grew dense, dim
High energy visible light radiates strong shield
ما شاء الله والله أعلم ☆ Magen David ☆ Nirvana
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قد جاءكم بصائر من ربكم فمن أبصر فلنفسه
There has come to you enlightenment from your Lord
so whoever will see does so for (the benefit of) his soul
![]() Fragrance | ![]() Genie | ![]() Ruh | ![]() Aura | Ben David |
5 comments on "Rise & Shine"
The size of the energy ❄ ref
Infrared is pinhead, and visible light is point of a pin
So energy as big as camel is lower than microwave? (~ oo ~)'
إن في صدورهم إلا كبر
there is not within their breasts except greatness
ولا يدخلون الجنة حتى يلج الجمل في سم الخياط
nor will they enter Paradise until a camel enters into the eye of a needle
له شيطانا فهو له قرين
for him satan and he is to him a companion
The low energy is big and does not travel far, it is contained within
So it grows massively dense and dim (stone كالحجارة أو أشد قسوة)
While visible light is small and travels very far
So it radiates, think light house (מנורה منارة)
يشرح صدره للإسلام expands his breast to peace
وهم لا يستكبرون and they are not arrogant
May you unblock your energy and radiate ☆ .:(~ v ~):.
Regarding the heart 🤍
تعرض الفتن على القلوب كالحصير عودا عودا
فأي قلب أشربها نكتت فيه نكتة سوداء
وأي قلب أنكرها نكتت له نكتة بيضاء
حتى يصير على قلبين
أبيض مثل الصفا ، فلا تضره فتنة ما دامت السماوات والأرض
والآخر أسود مربادا كالكوز مجخيا لا يعرف معروفا ولا ينكر منكرا إلا ما أشرب من هواه
Temptations will be presented to men's hearts as reed mat is woven stick by stick. So any heart which absorbs them will have a black spot in it, and any heart which rejects them will have a white spot in it.
Until there will become two types of hearts. One white like as safa, so it is unharmed by any turmoil or temptation as long as the heavens and the earth endure. And the other black and dusty like a vessel which is upset, not recognizing what is good or rejecting what is evil, but being absorbed with passion.
So, will this mean the enlightened rises and passes through to the heavens
while the denser ones are too big, so they fall back ☆ Wings Of Mercy
يأتون به باب السماء ... يأتون به باب الأرض
to the gates of Heaven ... to the gates of the Earth
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