שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד
فمن كان يرجوا لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا

Mar 20, 2018


Posted By Snow at 3/20/2018
Dear NASA, is this possible? (~ v ~)'


 1  The energy of particle travelling through space

When mass is energized, its particles move and vibrate

When some particles attain spin, they become energetic particles

Energetic particle distances, and becomes emitted

higher spin
farther distance

high energy


low energy

falls back


Visible light
and above

High energy particle escapes mass

and below

Low energy particle is unable to escape mass, falls back


in mass
 2  The emission of particle by energized mass

particle speeds
when excited

particle slows
when resisted

when particle slows,
it gets closer (clumps)

when clumps of
particles get big,
its mass is visible
(cloud, solid)
 3  The emitted particle

I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors
Only Allah SWT Knows والله أعلم

If this is right does Ben David know this about 3,000 years ago ما شاء اللهcakeracahaya

1 comments on "Particle"

Snow on Aug 29, 2018, 7:02:00 PM said...

"What is the origin of the solar wind and how is it accelerated to speeds of up to 1.8 million miles per hour? The solar wind fills our entire solar system. When gusts of solar wind arrive at Earth, they can set off dazzling aurora ...

two distinct streams of solar wind: a slow stream travelling at approximately 215 miles per second and a fast stream zipping through space at twice that speed ... the fast wind spews from coronal holes, which are dark, comparatively cool regions on the Sun ... The origins and acceleration mechanisms of the slow solar wind remain mysterious ... As the solar cycle progresses toward its maximum, the structure of the solar wind changes from two-distinct regimes — fast at the poles and slow at the equator — to a mixed, inhomogeneous flow ...

The closed corona refers to regions of the Sun where its magnetic field lines are closed — that is, connected to the solar surface at both ends ... The open corona, on the other hand, refers to regions where the magnetic field lines anchor to the Sun at only one end, stretching out into space on the other, thus creating a highway for solar material to escape into space. Coronal holes — the cooler regions at the source of the fast solar wind — are the habitat of open field lines"


Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


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now in the cave

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