[2] إذا الشمس كورت [1] وإذا النجوم انكدرت
When the sun is wrapped up. And when the stars fall dispersing.
[Al-Quran 81:1-2]

The life cycle of a star
Basically, the sun is a star & stars are a ball of fire. The nature of fire is - it soars up. So, after a star is born, its fire soars up. But gravity pulls it down to the core - so in its lifetime, the fiery star exists in a constant battle against gravity. When both forces are equal, the star exists in balance & retains its shape (main sequence star). [photo] But stars exists by burning it's fuel. As it ends its lifetime, it will exhaust its fuel & gravity will win. Gravity will pull the dying star & the star will fall back to its core.
An even more massive star will burst into a supernova [ref] - briefly outshining the entire galaxy. & if it overthrows its neutrons, it will fall to its core so completely it forms a black hole. It's an object so dense that even light cannot escape it's gravity. Which means, if you're there, you cannot escape it's gravity even at the speed of light.
Learning the reality. I don't know how to ignore it. (^v^)
I seek refuge from errors. Only Allah Knows Best. والله أعلم
![]() Particle | ![]() Universe | ![]() Cakerawala | ![]() Guiding Stars | ![]() Hot Colors |
5 comments on "Supernova"
I watched on the TV series "The Universe (Ep. Supernova)" - a star in our Milky Way that have the potential to catastrophically explode close to Earth is the Eta Carinae in the Eta Carina Nebula. It's ~9,000 light years away.
Is this the same Carina Nebula that the Hubble Telescope captured on my birthday & made the image to celebrate its 20th anniversary. Ahahahah. (^v^)
My OxfordFajar dictionary [ref] state:
كور is wrapping - as in, like wrapping a turban.
& the Hubble photo state:
"These (gas) jets (known as HH 901 and HH 902, respectively) are the signpost for new star birth. The jets are launched by swirling disks around the young stars, which allow material to slowly accrete onto the stars' surfaces."
So. Does the verse 81:1 may refer to the birth of the sun? والله أعلم
Isn't that stunning!(*v*) I always wanted to know if that verse means the birth of the sun. If it is, it will be a miracle bcoz how could the Prophet (PBUH) knew that. ماشاء الله
Or maybe it is the death of the sun. ماشاء الله Isn't that stunning! (*v*)
"The onion-like layered structure of the more diffuse cloud surrounding the central cocoon is caused by periodic bursts of material being ejected from the dying star." [NASA]
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
والسماء والطارق
وما أدراك ما الطارق
النجم الثاقب
By the heaven, and At-Tariq. And what will make you to know what At-Tariq is? (It is) the star of piercing brightness. [Quran 86:1-3]
The word الطارق (At-Tariq) is like طرق (knock, pound). So, could it be nuclear fusion? When gravity pulled hydrogen atoms into clumps, as they grew in size its pressure & heat grew. With enough pressure & heat, the atoms' nuclei move so fast it smashed together & fused (nuclear fusion) - & the clumps became stars! Then the stars continue this nuclear fusion until they die. ماشاء الله
This is so stunning! How could the Prophet (PBUH) knew that.. (*v*)
Supernova SN 2014J was discovered in Galaxy M82. [ref1, ref2] ماشاء الله
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