New England is famous for its universities
oh to be an MIT student in autumn
Regarding places in the university, I'm currently in the view that places should be awarded by merit. University should be a place that spearheads knowledge, with people who have the abilities to safeguard its distinction of higher learning. الذين أوتوا العلم درجات [Q58:11] And by higher learning, I mean how Bezier equations (P(u,v) = ∑ ∑ Bi,n(u) Bj,m(v) Ki,j) are higher than basic multiplications (3 x 7 = 21).
The university should safeguard this distinction, and benefit society with its wisdom. E.g.:
Research in physics resulted in telecommunication devices | AG BellAnd the woman who made history in higher education is - Marie Curie. She was the first woman to win 2 Nobel Prizes. But as destiny have it... even with the accomplishments, she was not rich. Due to her research, she even fell ill by being exposed to radiation. But the richness is, her research & sacrifices still benefit us till this very day - through various applications in medical diagnosis, cancer treatment. Her Curie Institute lives on. Cancer Care lives on. ومن يؤتى الحكمة فقد أوتي خيرا كثيرا [Q2:269]
Research in medicine resulted in new treatment, vaccines | radiology, stem cells
Computer technology aids in various fields, e.g: law enforcement | graphics
In Islam richness is in good deeds, so this is the way to be rich. الحمد لله
المال والبنون زينة الحياة الدنيا والباقيات الصالحات خير عند ربك ثوابا وخير أملا
Wealth and children are (but) adornment of the worldly life. But the enduring good deeds
are better to your Lord for reward and better for (one's) hope. [Holy Quran 18:46] | Q59:18
![]() Science | ![]() Sponsor | ![]() Translation | ![]() The Miracle | ![]() Kepintaran |
4 comments on "Summa Cum Laude"
I wish the world can see the remarkable talent in Marie Curie too even if she is without the glitter.
"I have no dress except the one I wear every day. If you are going to be kind enough to give me one, please let it be practical and dark so that I can put it on afterwards to go to the laboratory."
"You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful."
- Marie Curie
BTW, honestly I'm not quite into the school based assessment. The standard between schools may vary, and there is the risk of wrong assessment bcoz the assumptions depend on the teachers own personality. How many times have you wrongly assessed another person, think about it.
They say the SBA is to instill self confidence for not getting As. From my experience, even the nerds have confidence issues. Anyway, the main goal for As is to determine who has the abilities to shoulder the pursuit of higher knowledge to benefit the nation.
For seeking livelihood, a better way is to go into business. والله أعلم
For the knowledge to benefit society, the university can work on real-world applications. Imagine it like a "hospital" but with experts in non medical fields. Examples:
[1] The police can ask for certain tracking devices, speed cameras, mobile identification systems etc. They can pose the problems they face on duty for the university to find solutions. [example]
[2] The farmers can ask for better seeds, better guidelines, high tech equipments etc. The fisherman can ask for better boats, better ways to manage their catch. They can ask what products can they come out with from their produce. Maybe the experts can help them produce higher grade rice, crops, oil etc.
[3] The City Hall can build better planned cities, maintain the environment, manage waste etc. Say if they enforce recycling - maybe the experts can manage the items. If faced by water crisis, maybe they can set each homes to harvest rain water to lessen the burden on dams. When they want to approve projects, they can get experts to analyze the feasibility.
[4] School, offices, business can seek systems to manage their workloads. The school can ask for a student information system, the banks can ask for security experts, the malls can ask for online stores.
This is how the knowledge benefits.
So come on universities, please roll out products and commercialize. Examples:
[1] industrial robots to plant paddy [2] glossy hair serum, huge beauty market [3] stain resistant paint (coating), there must be some chemical which glosses, dirt glides off.
There are so many things.
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