שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד
فمن كان يرجوا لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا

Oct 5, 2023


Posted By Snow at 10/05/2023 7 comments

PONDER why is "success" in this era the opposite
how can we be top richest if we keep giving away

I AM ISRAEL .:❄️:. Congratulations Majd Mashharawi (1:20)

Dear Muslims and Arabs, please recognize Israel .:❄️:. Arafah
because the Quds קדוש قدس is for all mankind .:❄️:. Isra

Sep 8, 2023


Posted By Snow at 9/08/2023 6 comments

ANGEL does ruh boost the breath O2 to emit light

BRILLIANT 💎 So if the vapors [1] slow down, steam heats #trapped #heavy or [2] speed up, emit light #shines. Light is Kong Ming lantern .:✨:. LEVItate

[1] mud موت מות mati : death
[2] 气 حي חי cahaya : life

יום תרועה  .:💡:.  ראש השנה
OK so ... I learn from vloggers 📷

One thing I find ... is how the _stan countries seem kinda Cinderella to some. Bcoz to me, they are like Takeshi Kaneshiro and Dilraba people. So they are real life Cinderellas, if that is what it is.

Do you think they're Israelite .:✨:. ARYAN

BTW I think these Eurasians share DNA R1A Z93, Z94 with Ashkenazi Levite. It is UR David isn't it, which kinda looks like ...

So is Christ a bit like Confucius.

You know, the Cohen. The Jews need the Cohen if they rebuild the Temple. He's supposed to enter the grave Stone like light isn't it .:✨:. Break It Down

Oh. I read about shekel, it's money CLASS that was originally a weight. If light was money / weight ... does it mean the absorbtion makes one heavy.

Rise & Shine

If you have monologue, it is inspiration
I feel people with challenges have this
just make sure it's light CROWN RUH

Like a Cohen .:🤍:. So this is LOVE

Jul 21, 2023

Remember II

Posted By Snow at 7/21/2023 5 comments

Aura .:✨:. Isra

OK ... so I was raised in the Eurasian Era. This was after Europe colonized the East, so there were many mix blood Eurasians. It was also after the fall of Ahlul Bait THANK YOU as if they never even existed. So the consequence is, there are the crushed "Talibans" trying to revive the past, LEGACY and the Proud Anglos VIPs who are posh crème de la crème flexing their glitz 'blimey, what is your achievement'.

In the Far West, Lalla Salma is wife of the Alaouite of Morocco, while in the Far East there is Sharifah Asma

I admit I find some "Talibans" quite "scary", kinda trance-like cult. While some Proud Anglos have no real meaning, like you have to be that high society success but it's just ...

But there are also good ones, like my friend who graduated from Jordan, HASHEMITE I bugged her to explain Arabic IQRA since I didn't go to (such) school — I asked her what is kuwwirat كورت many times — bless her. Also the experts — WOW Voyager — and thank you for the internet the information super highway is spectacular.

Ya this is the era, I see it as is, and simply long for Ilahi .:🤍:. سلامة

Honestly I simply pray and embrace the Holy Quran, and it's so amazing. ماشاء الله

There is no one between you and Ilahi .:🤍:. always have this in life

BTW is 2022 AP7 the biggest to come in March 2027 after the 2015 ☄️ why NASA ESA | WOW
it's in positions where observational conditions are unfavorable, obscured by the Sun's glare | EAST

Jun 29, 2023


Posted By Snow at 6/29/2023 3 comments

كسوة כסה

After you wondered
where is Ali's grave
in Medina REF
Sometimes I feel ... if people see me reading the Holy Quran, do they assume I'm a cave man REF REF stuck in the 7th century. But I am born in British epicentre. I'm so glad for the 1001 Exhibition to revive this Golden Era. الحمد لله

OK that is a repeat from before.

Well it's 2:46 am and I don't really know what to say. Only a dream of Ahlul Bait. They were in Nusantara, can you imagine there are descendants here in the Far East .:🤍:.

Happy Eid .:✨:.
R1A Z93
.:❄️:. Persia

Walk straight up north there walk walk walk Iraq
Ilayya (έλα लाये 来 ) Sukayna .:🤍:. هدى East

Jun 27, 2023


Posted By Snow at 6/27/2023 4 comments

Arafah Day .:🤍:. is to remember the Day Of Judgement
In a sea of ihram, the noble ones are those who have taqwa

| O2

May 31, 2023


Posted By Snow at 5/31/2023 2 comments

Jauh angan ku lena .:🤍:. to rebuild this ancient era
when the Earth was blessed .:❄️⚡:. with clear winds and water

خرج النبي غداة وعليه مرط مرحل من شعر أسود
فجاء الحسن بن علي فأدخله ثم جاء الحسين فدخل معه ثم جاءت فاطمة فأدخلها ثم جاء علي فأدخله
ثم قال إنما يريد الله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت ويطهركم تطهيرا

Allah's Messenger went out one morning wearing a striped cloak of the black camel's hair that there came Hasan bin Ali. He wrapped him under it, then came Husain and he wrapped him under it along with the other one. Then came Fatima and he took her under it, then came Ali and he also took him under it, and then said: Allah only desires to remove the impurity from you, O people of the House. And to purify you with a thorough purification | Sahih Muslim, Book 31 Hadith 5955 .:🤍:. QA

Apr 1, 2023


Posted By Snow at 4/01/2023 4 comments

سلامة ورحمة Dream Land
the Kingdom of Ahlul Bait
OK I am kinda like a 'not city, rural Borneo person' since I was a child. Even when I was born in the city on the city day itself, somehow ... I actually enjoy the rural cooking videos on YouTube, the rural ladies from Iran to Ukraine.

Although I should admit my dream life is Porto Arabia ha ha .:🤍:. I'm amazed how Eileen Lahi have that ... to forge her life from Estonia to Qatar. ما شاء الله

Anyway, after school at 19, I thought maybe someone will tutor me on life or something. But that didn't happen I guess. So I think, the foremost ever - REMEMBER ILAHI - so that destiny will just fall into place. When things happen, my mind tells me its for a reason.

OK maybe that's from Maya's friend .:❄️⚡:. CROWN
"Maya's friend? She has a name" 🙄

חשבתי שזה בגלל שזה לא פרח אמיתי
וזה נראה כמו מוח . : 🌹 : . זהר

Mar 4, 2023


Posted By Snow at 3/04/2023 2 comments

Sometimes ... I think of people I see online. Even in situations, they're lovely people. By lovely, I mean selfless, good manners, even humorous. Hoping they're safe always .:🤍:.

Anyway, this card is the first of the series of cards. This is from 2007. It's so much nicer in real life bcoz the glitter sparkles. LOVE is a nice feeling, it can make you smile all day. In Arabic Hebrew, heart is love (לב لب).

BTW almost 2 weeks to Ramadhan .:🤍:. Blessed

In Ramadhan, usually there is a feeling of lightness. I wonder if others feel it too, do they wonder. The nice feeling when your energy lights up. ما شاء الله

ما شاء الله Himalaya .:🤍:. Moshe

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


קרן  .:💡:.  قرن
now in the cave

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