Aura .:✨:. Isra
OK ... so I was raised in the Eurasian Era. This was after Europe colonized the East, so there were many mix blood Eurasians. It was also after the fall of Ahlul Bait THANK YOU as if they never even existed. So the consequence is, there are the crushed "Talibans" trying to revive the past, LEGACY and the Proud Anglos VIPs who are posh crème de la crème flexing their glitz 'blimey, what is your achievement'.
In the Far West, Lalla Salma is wife of the Alaouite of Morocco, while in the Far East there is Sharifah Asma
But there are also good ones, like my friend who graduated from Jordan, HASHEMITE I bugged her to explain Arabic IQRA since I didn't go to (such) school — I asked her what is kuwwirat كورت many times — bless her. Also the experts — WOW Voyager — and thank you for the internet the information super highway is spectacular.
Ya this is the era, I see it as is, and simply long for Ilahi .:🤍:. سلامة
Honestly I simply pray and embrace the Holy Quran, and it's so amazing. ماشاء الله
There is no one between you and Ilahi .:🤍:. always have this in life
BTW is 2022 AP7 the biggest to come in March 2027 after the 2015 ☄️ why NASA ESA | WOW
it's in positions where observational conditions are unfavorable, obscured by the Sun's glare | EAST

it's in positions where observational conditions are unfavorable, obscured by the Sun's glare | EAST

![]() Remember | ![]() Aqsa | Isra II | ![]() Khatam | ![]() The Promise |
5 comments on "Remember II"
Great (كبر) upon those who associates what you call them to
this is so mesmerizing as Allah is Greater (اكبر) .:✨:. فاختار ما عند الله
NOTE the "Talibans" are not ancient bcoz they are primitive
but bcoz they have been guided about life and the future
They know faith will become strange and extinguished (غريبا). Still they remain faithful, even as they know they are destined to die. Allah would send a pleasant wind (ريحاً طيبة) — or cold wind (ريحا باردة) — which would soothe people, and would take the life of every believer and every Muslim (فتقبض روح كل مؤمن وكل مسلم). Every one whose heart has goodness or faith (في قلبه مثقال ذرة من خير أو إيمان) will be taken.
So they safeguard their heart .:🤍:.
Those who survive, are actually left behind on Earth. They will not recognize what is good or rejecting what is evil (لا يعرفون معروفا ولا ينكرون منكرا), being absorbed with passion.
Then the sun will rise from the West. (تطلع الشمس من مغربها)
In a way, this is similar to those left behind on Earth on Judgement Day
in which the believers are recognized by their mark of prostration (أثر السجود)
Muhammad always say truth 😭
كلمة واحدة is in a way "uni verse" .:✨:. ما شاء الله
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