Hey look what I found! #baju_melayu #kuwaiti #palestinian ☆ Enlightenment
Shocked that the Arabs are like Malays? Here's a link v(~ v ~)v ما شاء الله
Abbasid — Mongol — Zheng He — Mansur Shah ❄ Muar
For Malaysian proud Anglos, pls know Kuwaitis actually look European ☆ Rawan 🇰🇼 ☆ Diversity
Feel it too — with the hate against Arab — and yes she said jadual (3:55), hadiah (9:51) and Saudi
Yes they can actually look European — like this Canadian Lebanese who lives in Saudi and eats kabsa
They eat cakes too, Dareen Shaker have her Dees_CakesNBakes 🍰 oh her mom is American 🇸🇦🇺🇸
NO SHARING from Rozzah
Jordanian . c'est la vie
Jordanian . c'est la vie
Yes the Nativitized eat cakes besides kabsa and Arabica, in bukhoor perfumed Arabian house 🌹 🇸🇦🇯🇴
NO SHARING from The Hala
UAE . c'est la vie
UAE . c'est la vie
BTW Gulf Arabs live in luxury 🇸🇦 and love Europe 🇦🇪 e.g. Zainab Al Alwan 🇧🇭 Yara Shahidi 🇮🇷

As well the 🇯🇴 Hashemite. OK Reem Al Hashemi looks Taliban, but she met Queen E

And the 🇯🇴 Hashemite meets the French | Syria, Lebanon French Mandate
And please know Arab can be Christian. Maha is from a village near Nazareth ☆ نانسي عجرم ☆ Matzo
NO SHARING from Fly With Haifa
Palestinian UAE . c'est la vie
NO SHARING from Daniela M Biah
Palestinian Canadian . c'est la vie
Palestinian UAE . c'est la vie
NO SHARING from Daniela M Biah
Palestinian Canadian . c'est la vie
OK I'm posting this just the amuse myself #mudahterhibur ❄ Aladdin ❄ Jasmine ❄ שבת שלום

أنا زعيم ببيت في ربض الجنة لمن ترك المراء
I am a guarantor for a house in the heart of Paradise for those who quit arguing
I am a guarantor for a house in the heart of Paradise for those who quit arguing
![]() Ana Arab | ![]() ρόζα | ![]() Shaibah | Christmas | ![]() Merdeka |
1 comments on "Abbas"
The last Hashemite, custodian of Baitul Maqdis ❄ ref ❄ The Towers
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