I think ancient Malay has Indo Iranian roots
near the Himalaya, is it where the Israelite disappeared after the exiles
then after the Light shines again in Arabia, the Wisdom is revived
הבה ניזכר שוב באברהם הנאמן ההולך לאטו במעלה ההר בארץ מוריה
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ولقد آتينا موسى وهارون الفرقان وضياء وذكرا للمتقين
And indeed We granted Moses and Aaron the criterion
and a light and a reminder for the righteous | Q21:48 .:☆:. दिया
لقد خلقنا الإنسان في أحسن تقويم ثم رددناه أسفل سافلين
إلا الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات فلهم أجر غير ممنون
فما يكذبك بعد بالدين أليس الله بأحكم الحاكمين
By the fig and the olive, and (by) Mount Sinai, and (by) this secure city (Makkah), We have certainly created man in the best of stature, then We return him to the lowest of the low, except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for they will have a reward uninterrupted, then what causes you to deny the Recompense, is not Allah the Best of judges | Holy Quran 95 | commentary
Mankind | Ben David | ![]() Nana | ![]() Vidi | ![]() Binti |
3 comments on "שבת שלום"
What is the probability that someone is going to restore the Vedas .:☆:. Ashura
The Hashemite is Abrahamin .:☆:. Millenium BC
Arabic . Hindi . English | more | map
adami آدمي . adami आदमी . man
aish عيش . ais ऐश . life
ajnabi أجنبي . ajanabee अजनबी . foreigner
asaateer أساطير . sastra शास्त्र . story
dharura ضرورة . zarurat ज़रुरत . necessity
dimagh دماغ . dimaag दिमाग . brain
diya ضياء . diya दिया . light
dukkan دكان . dukaan दुकान . shop
dunia دنيا . dunia दुनिया . world
ehsaas إحساس . ehsaas एहसास . feeling
ghalat غلط . galat ग़लत . mistake
hawa هواء . hava हवा . air
hirasa حراسة . hiraasat हिरासत . guardian
ijazatan اجازة . ijaazat इजाज़त . permission
ilaya إلي . laayee लायी . (bring) to me
intizar انتظار . intazaar इंतज़ार . wait
iqrar إقرار . iqrar इक़रार . pledge
ishq عشق . ishq इश्क़ . love
kamil كامل . मुकम्मल mukammal . complete
lakin لكن . lekin लेकिन . but
mahaba محبة . mohabbat मोहब्बत . love
maal مال . maal माल . property
mujrim مجرم . mujarim मुजरिम . criminal
mulaaqaat ملاقاة . मुलाक़ात . meeting
nazra نظرة . nazr नज़र . eye
qat' قطع . kaat काट . cut
qisma قسمة . किस्मत kismat . fate
silsila سلسلة . silsila सिलसिला . series
takriban تقريبا . takareeban तकरीबन . almost
wali ولي . vali वली . guardian
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