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Apr 6, 2013

Flat Bread

Posted By Snow at 4/06/2013

I wonder if matzoh (flour, water) is similar to chapati (shabaati)
When hot air cooks its inside, the chapati puffs up ... but it flattens back
It's like the air inside shapes it | Man | מצוה | Q2:58

Add meat, salad, sauce & stuffs, it'll be a taco!

Wikipedia states the Sumerians discovered flat breads in ancient Mesopotamia.
Check out these varieties of flat breads! | WIKI | QA Eat

2 comments on "Flat Bread"

Snow on Dec 23, 2017, 5:23:00 AM said...

I read a post on how the Jewish Kurds from Iraq make Khoubz. The technique is shared by nomadic Turks, is it bcoz ancient Mesopotamia linked Turkey to Iraq through the Tigris Euprates? | map

It seems like the Syrian bread cooked in the tanoor [photo, video]. In Iran it's more rectangular like the lavash [photo]. Tanoor is an earthen oven, it seems it's all across the Caucasus, Turkey, Iran, Central Asia, Pakistan especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. | ref

Snow on Nov 11, 2020, 9:41:00 PM said...

In Arabic, the "soul" is rouh (روح : air) or nafs (نفس : breath), similar to Hebrew ruakh (רוח) and nefesh (נֶפֶש). It seems like air, is it the breathing that keeps our body alive. ما شاء الله

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