A fun birthday card, it's lost twin found ✈️ R1A
So what's up. I'm spring cleaning. Wishing to be prepared for Ramadhan. إن شاء الله
Yes this past week I've been living a life with very little internet... moving & doing things... & moving... I wish I have special people in my real life, bcoz that's the best way of forming relationships. So much sometimes I wonder, if Bedouins have closer human bonds than social networks. ترى المؤمنين في تراحمهم وتوادهم وتعاطفهم كمثل الجسد [SB8.73.40] (◠v◠) ❤
Anyway... during Ramadhan, I love that people get together. I personally prefer the getting together, visiting & seeking forgiveness in Ramadhan as the month is very special. Honestly, I only learn about this when I saw how Arabs celebrate Ramadhan. I wish I can put up lights in the home & stuffs.
![]() Stuffs 2 | Map Of Mankind | ![]() Millenials | Millenium BC | Ahava |
2 comments on "Stuffs"
The search is whether the Israelite traveled the Silk Road & spread the faith of Abraham (PBUH) as they wander. The time periods are after the Assyrian exile (~730 BC) & the Babylonians exile (~597 BC). Did the faiths birthed during that time period originated from them? & did the faiths differentiate as time passes? [Old Writing]
Wishing mankind discover the faith in its origin. [pic pray]
May Allah SWT blesses all mankind with guidance. ♥
So I have learn, with the Torah & prophethood, Israelite is to guide mankind & spread the faith of Abraham [QA] towards the One God, Allah SWT. The story of Jonah [QA] is an example - Allah SWT Commanded him to go to the Assyrians - maybe that is what Israelite should be doing.
Guide other nations to faith .:☆:. לאור גוים
Especially if the Holy Land is where mankind started, Israelite spreading across nations may have taken the same trails which mankind took to spread across the earth. Maybe Israelite is to follow that trails & restore the faith to its origin in the nations they met. ונברכו בך כל משפחת האדמה ובזרעך
Then Jesus [QA] came as a sign, he is like Adam [QA] the father of mankind. So perhaps he is a sign that Israelite has mixed with all mankind. This means the worldwide Israelite are related through their father, yet multi racial because of their mother. والأنبياء إخوة لعلات أمهاتهم شتى ودينهم واحد The prophets are paternal brothers, their mothers are different, but their religion is one | SB4.55.652
Then Muhammad came as the seal to the line of prophethood - he restored the Third Temple to the faith of Abraham for all mankind. He is the mercy for to worlds (rahmah lil alamin رحمة للعالمين), as all mankind is one nation (ummah أمة) from one mother (umm أم) ❤
I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors.
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم
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