ما شاء الله the scarf is just like my great grandmother's ❆
Wow ... to discover that the Ashkenazis reached Malaya in the 1800s. There is the grave of Rachamah Levi at the Penang Jewish Cemetery. [ref | web] That's a COHEN. The Levites were here. (m o m) I just noticed this days ago ... and then came Tisha B'Av ... ❆
OK I actually have read Ashkenazis were in Indonesia, as reported by Jacob Halevy Saphir (1822 – 1886). They were in Batavia (Jakarta), Surabaya and Semarang, and many married non Jewish women. I've wondered why Indonesia has citizens who look foreign. Were some of them have Ashkenazi ancestors who escaped Europe to Nusantara during the Holocaust, around the 1930s?
So much I actually trailed the Hamburg passengers list. (~ v ~)'
Anyway in Malaysia, some of those who look foreign have Turkish or Arab ancestry e.g. Asma Al Junid, REF Azah Al Sagoff REF and Zeti Akhtar. Arab merchants thrived in Singapore and welcomed by Istana Kampung Glam. REF REF I wonder if the Arabs met the Ashkenazis REF here ❆ Ben Yemen
40 | ![]() Thank You | Tabut | ![]() Binti | ![]() Nana |
2 comments on "Eve"
Eid Adha (عيد الأضحى) is similar to "duha" (ضحى : morning) ☆ Rise Shine
When the sun rises upon the earth, does it look like the energy rising upon the body
The moment will happen to all of us, and to rest in peace is muslim .:(~ v ~):.
The patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are men of vision ☆ QA Israel
☆ Ben David ☆ Ashura ☆ Ruh
And she's only a woman ❆ Bat Zion
إن الله خير عبدا بين الدنيا وبين ما عنده فاختار ما عند الله | SB1.8.455
Allah gave a choice to (His) slave - either this world or what is with Him
he chose what is with Allah ❆ Isra ❆ The End
At that time the LORD set apart the tribe of Levi to carry the Ark of The Covenant of the LORD, to stand before the LORD to serve Him, and to pronounce blessings in His name, as they do to this day. That is why Levi has no portion or inheritance among his brothers; (what is with) the LORD is his inheritance, as the LORD your God promised him | Deuteronomy 10:8-9
☆ Qibla ☆ The Miracle ❆ϟ photo
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