May happy little blue souls fly beyond the rainbow sky ❤ الله يرحمهم
In memory of MH370 from the east, MH17 from the west, Flight 8501 from the south
هكذا رد القلب والجبين سبحان العالى
And the heart returns to its Creator, the Highest (Allah)
Ahava | ![]() MH17 | High Hopes | Tabut | ![]() Mercy |
4 comments on "Samson"
"So this is your Samson"
Surabaya reminds me of "asura" (assyria) & Singapore is definitely "singa" (lion).
"You're obviously a zionist."
I dunno why my mind is directed there... (m-m) Do you think it's a lesson or something? BTW I found my Air Asia blanket - it's so comfy - and has been wrapping myself with it in recent days. I moved houses days ago, and it's my mattress, my headscarf etc. Air Asia gave it to me during my flight to the Middle East. ♥ الحمد لله
[1] Jewish Virtual Library
"During the 1850s, most Jewish families were of German and Dutch descent and lived predominately in Jakarta... By the 1920s, Jews were arriving from the Netherlands, Baghdad, and Aden and Jewish community centers were organized in numerous cities. The Baghdadi Jews were the most observant of all Jewish Indonesians and settled in Surabaya... After World War II, many Jews left Indonesia because they had lost their homes and possessions during the war, but several families remained. By the 1950s, the Jewish communities were beginning to thrive again, especially in Surabaya...
The largest of Indonesia's synagogues, the Beith Shalom Synagogue in Surabaya on the Island of Java, was built in the 19th century by Dutch Jews and grew in stature during the 1950's when the Jewish community was at its largest following the Holocaust. The synagogue had a Star of David painted on the front door and was fashioned in a traditional Orthodox, Sephardic style - men and women were separated by a mechiza and the pulpit and congregation face the simple, plain wood ark. The ark had been empty since its two Torah scrolls were relocated to the Jewish congregation in Singapore..."
[2] Beit Hatfutsot
"The first written report on Jews in Indonesia, familiar to us today, was written by Jacob Halevy Saphir (1822–1886), who was sent as a rabbinical emissary from Jerusalem and arrived in the archipelago in 1861. In his book, Saphir reports the existence of approximately twenty “Ashkenazi” Jewish families from Holland in Batavia (today Jakarta), in Surabaya and in Semarang, but expresses his concern for their future since they do not conduct Jewish traditions and many are married to non-Jewish women... In 1921 another emissary, a Zionist, Israel Cohen, arrived in Java from Eretz Israel. Cohen estimated the number of Jews in Java at that time at approximately two thousand; his reports also argue that the Jews did not conduct community life and many were intermarried."
Race... (◠oo◠) والله أعلم
This is beautiful [photo] إن لله وإن إليه راجعون
May Allah SWT blesses their souls with His Mercy ❤
If I may, our "korban" is the hebrew "korban" (קרבן : victim). & our "jenazah" is the arabic "janaza" (جنازة : body). So "korban jenazah" means "the victim's body".
Sometimes there are exterior forces - the wind shear - that you can't even control
All sorts of wind forces that can stall the plane in the air | microbursts
I love flights that say the prayers during take off
It makes me feel safe and under God's Pleasure bcoz we said a word to God
No matter what may happens there is God's Mercy with us ما شاء الله
The very miracle of flight is mercy (flight envelope) ❤ ما يمسكهن إلا الرحمن
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