Under the Islamic rule, Andalucia witnessed Muslims, Christians & Jews living together peacefully. وجعلناكم شعوبا وقبائل لتعارفوا [Q49:13 | QA] It was a beacon of learning, the city of Cordoba itself was a leading economic centre in the Mediterranean. ماشاء الله
Here are some of its architectural legacy in Spain:

The buildings are of Moorish architecture, bcoz they were built by the Moors. [wiki] The Moors are Berber, African & Arab descent from North Africa. They're also Muslims, so the architecture is also known as Islamic architecture. Then after the Reconquista, the Christian architecture with influences from the Islamic ones are known as "mudéjar". [whc]
& here are similar Spanish-Arabic words:
& here are similar European-Arabic words:
I seek refuge to Allah SWT from errors.
Only Allah SWT knows best. والله أعلم
![]() Alhambra | Milleniums AC | ![]() Translation | ![]() Arab | ![]() Crystal Pattern |
5 comments on "Al Andalus"
Yeah, before this I keep finding people saying the Maghribis (Moroccan, or maybe also westerners) are so beautiful. "The girls are jealous of me coz I look Maghribi!" Ummm.. OK. So, ha ha.. Is this a small sample of the beauty that people are so jealous of?
الحمد لله
Princess Lalla Salma is moroccan. She was an information services engineer. Currently she advocates for cancer research & prevention, founding the Lalla Salma Association against Cancer [profile | photo]
There's an amazing story of a Castilian nobleman in the 11th century. Born Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, he served Alfonso VI before being exiled bcoz of his unauthorized expedition into Granada in 1079.
Then the Andalusian knights found him ill & thirsty; and he was presented to the Moorish king, Yusuf al-Mu'taman ibn Hud. Then on Rodrigo came to serve both Yusuf and his successor - as a leading figure in the vibrant Moorish force.
& this is how he earned the title El Cid (السيد The Master).
El Cid is a very famous man in history of Spain & Europe. He is said to be the grandest warrior & the father of all of Europe’s monarchs. [ref] ماشا لله
El Cid ruled & passed away in the city of Valencia. The city was ruled by the Moors from the 8th - 13th, shortly interrupted only by El Cid. Valencia has abundant Islamic architectural legacy from this period, e.g: the old walls, the Baños del Almirante bath house, El Micalet & the irrigation system which is still in use today. [wiki, ref]
I'm amazed how the men can build such fine feminine architecture.. it's flowery & flowers are feminine to me. were they charming gentlemen? (◠v◠)
BTW I saw on video about the design of Alhambra being harmonious. how they took care of its measure & proportions. ماشا لله & they looove learning! ♥ Yusuf al-Mu'taman ibn Hud himself was an arab mathematician. He wrote the Book of Perfection (كتاب الإستكمال) in mathematics.
"In 711, the Moorish invasion of the Iberian Peninsula was seen by the many in the Jewish population as a liberation, and marked as the beginning of what many have seen as the Golden age of Jewish culture in the Iberian Peninsula (the Islamic Al-Andalus).." [wiki]
Beginning in the 8th century, Muslims had occupied and settled most of the Iberian Peninsula. Jews, who had lived in these regions since Roman times, were considered "People of the Book" and given special status and often thrived under Muslim rule. The tolerance of the Muslim Moorish rulers of al-Andalus attracted Jewish immigration, and Jewish enclaves in Muslim Iberian cities flourished as places of learning and commerce. [wiki]
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم
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