שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד
فمن كان يرجوا لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا

Jun 6, 2014


Posted By Snow at 6/06/2014

The variations of the word "mother" across the world: [Q30:22]
umm. ima. aem. emak. umma. amma. mae. me. mam. mama. mummy
mata. mutter. mother. madar. madre. mère. mitéra. maty. maci. matka. matushka

For "mother", is it possible that it starts with "umm أم אם". & then it varies into "umma, amma, mama, mummy". Then the "ma" adds with the "ta" & varies into another set "mutter, mother, madre, mère".

We could do that with father as well. Does it starts with "ab أب אב". & then it varies into "abah, abu, abeoji, baba, papa". Then the "pa" adds with the "ta" & varies into another set "pater, pedar, padre, father"... Hmmm... ماشاء الله و الله أعلم
................................................... ...................................................

The universe is cakerawala in Malay. It roots from the word cakera (disc), similar to the Persian چرخ and Sanskrit चक्र (wheel), which can describe circular motions

the universe | body chakra


Isn't it amazing - it has words from the East to the West.

Still, I do feel the Malay language is under appreciated, as if the Malay language is less civilized? But please do not be SO ASHAMED of it.

Bahasa Melayu is a marriage of the languages of the Holy Scriptures (Arabic, Hebrew, Sanskrit). It's rich vocabulary may even explain human migration by the language transfer ☆ ماشاء الله

duo ← δύο दो → dua
current ← קרן किरण → kirana
mortal ← موت मौत → maut

Anyway. May I share that, it's amazing that sometimes I can understand foreign languages simply bcoz it's in the Malay language. Seriously. E.g:

Arabicمعمل (makmal : lab) | more
Hebrewכפה (kopiah : skullcap) | more
Persianتخت (takhta : throne) | more
Greekκανών (kanun : canon), δύο (dua : two), βουνό (gunung : mountain), γλυκύς (gula : sugar), λείος (halus : smooth), γένος (jenis : kind), κεφάλι (kepala : head), κουτάκι (kotak : box), λάμπα (lampu : lamp), μάρμαρο (marmar : marble), μάτι (mata : eye), μέγας (megah : great), νησί (nusa : island), πίστη (pasti : conviction), πανδοκεῖον (pondok : inn)
Latinatrox (teruk : atrocious), basium (cium : kiss), rēgia (raja : royal), mas (mister), vir (wira : hero)
Portuguesearmário (almari : cabinet), balde (baldi), banco (bangku : bench), bandeira (bendera : flag), bola (ball), boneca (boneka : doll), garfo (garpu : fork), janela (jendela : window), manteiga (mentega : butter), queijo (keju : cheese), roda (wheel), saco (saku : sack)
Spanisharmada (navy), bomberos (bomba : firefighter), carabao (kerbau : buffalo), fiesta (pesta : festival), rueda (roda : wheel), zapato (sepatu : shoes)
Frenchde (di : at), eau (air : water), émeutes (amuk : riot)
Germanbinden (bedung : bind)
Dutchboontjes (buncis : green beans), cursus (kursus : course), gage (gaji : wage), hengsel (engsel : hinge), kantoor (kantor : office), kroepoek (keropok : cracker), laatje (laci : drawer), spandoek (sepanduk : banner), tas (bag)
Old Norsebatr (bahtera : boat)
Englishaye (iya), babble (bebel), bake (bakar), basin (besen), bean (benih), bottle (botol), book (buku), brush (berus), button (butang), cabbage (kobis), camp (khemah), cheer (ceria), choke (cekik), climate (iklim), crust (keras), coolie (kuli), fairy (pari), glass (gelas), haunt (hantu), heart (hati), hope (harap), ice (ais), lantern (lentera), late (lewat), merry (meriah), mind (minda), mock (maki), must (mesti), name (nama), note (nota), pauper (papa), pen (pena), pencil (pensel), pension (pencen), puncture (pancit), pundit (pendeta), quarry (kuari), redden (radang), rub (raba), sad (sedih), sick (sakit), same (sama), school (sekolah), slippers (selipar), towel (tuala), vapor (wap)
Rusбрильянт (berlian : diamond), оборот (bulat : circulation), мед (madu : honey)
Indianचक्र (cakera : disc), माफ़ (maaf : pardon), கப்பல் (kapal : ship), கட்டில் (katil : bed), மீசை (misai : moustache) | more
Chinese美丽 (molek : beauty), 茶碗 (cawan : cup), 姐 (cik : miss), 独立 (daulat : sovereign), 恬 (diam : quiet), 可惜 (kasihan : pity), 公司 (kongsi : cooperate), 粿條 (kue tiow), 啦 (lah), 麗 (lawa : beautiful), 萝卜 (lobak : radish), 民族 (manusia : people), 麵 (mee : noodle), 不道 (bodoh : not know), 人 (orang : people), 擋 (tahan : block), 豆腐 (tauhu : tofu), 包子 (pau : bun)
Japaneseあらまあ (alamak : oh dear), か (kah : question mark), 参る (mari : come), 好き (suka : like)
Korean하루 (hari : day), 사랑 (sayang : love)

I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم

3 comments on "Ummah"

Snow on Jun 7, 2014, 9:18:00 AM said...

Welcome balloon, may you fly safe & happy around the world. [pic | mankind] ♥ الحمد لله

Snow on Jun 12, 2014, 12:28:00 PM said...

I saw Khawateer Shaab. & the arab guy was teaching the white guy how to say "Qumrah (قمرة)" - the origin of the word "camera" (as in camera obscura, which means "darkened chamber/room"). But it's a thick "Q" that comes deep from the throat, ha ha.

Next time, the white guy can teach the arab how to write "Pepsi". It's not "Bibsi"!
You can imagine what iPad is...

& yes, malays have that word -"kamar (room)".
It's like the hindi "kamara कमरा (room)", hebrew "kimur קמור (vault)".
I feel I'm going to be Mr Portokalos...

Snow on Sep 15, 2015, 9:11:00 AM said...

"Zhar" (זהר : radiance) is "seri", like "Zara / Sara". .:(◠v◠):.
"Rebecca" (רבקה : bind, attract) is "ikat, pikat", like "becca / bika / pika / pikat / ikat".

Hebrew . Malay . Arabic : English | more
B'rakha (ברכה) . berkat . بركة : blessing
Kever (קבר) . kubur . قبر : grave
Kippah (כפה) . kopiah . قبعة : skullcap
Korban (קרבן) . korban . قربان : sacrifice, victim
Maariv (מעריב) . maghrib . مغرب : nightfall
Navi (נביא) . nabi . نبي : prophet
Rakhamim (רחמים) . rahmat . رحمة : mercy
Ruach (רוח) . ruh . روح : spirit
Tzedakah (צדקה) . sedekah . صدقة : charity

Shalom aleikhem (שלום עליכם) . assalamualaikum . السلام عليكم : peace be upon you
ماشاء الله

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


קרן  .:💡:.  قرن
now in the cave
please forgive me if ever

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