שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד
فمن كان يرجوا لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا

Jun 11, 2021


Posted By Snow at 6/11/2021

Abraham 🕋 memories

هدى  ↓  טוטפת
يصعد الكلم الطيب
MEMORY  |  Q35:10
حرم الله على النار
أن تأكل أثر السجود

LIGHT  |  IM5.37.4326
Q7:26 دين   
صبغة Q2:138

4 comments on "Ummah"

Snow on Mar 20, 2022, 3:04:00 PM said...

In Islam, everyone is born fitrah, in which the soul shines
the word fitrah (فطرة : nature) is like fatr (فطر : break) .:❄️⚡:.

Snow on Mar 21, 2022, 7:57:00 PM said...

It's as if ... the body is similar to the Tablets, isn't it .:🤍:.

Snow on Dec 1, 2022, 8:47:00 AM said...

נתתי את תורתי בקרבם ועל לבם אכתבנה
והייתי להם לאלהים והמה יהיו לי לעם

I will put My Law within them and write it in their hearts
I will be their God, and they will be My nation

Partial Jeremiah 31:33 .:❄️:. New Covenant

Snow on Dec 1, 2022, 8:47:00 AM said...

له نزل أحسن الحديث كتابا متشابها مثاني
تقشعر منه جلود الذين يخشون ربهم
ثم تلين جلودهم وقلوبهم إلى ذكر الله
ذلك هدى الله يهدي به من يشاء
ومن يضلل الله فما له من هاد

Allah has sent down the best statement, a Book consistent, repeated. From it shiver the skins of those who fear their Lord, then their skins and their hearts relax at the remembrance of Allah. That is the guidance of Allah by which He guides whom He wills. And one whom Allah leaves astray, for him there is no guide.
| Holy Quran 39:23

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


קרן  .:💡:.  قرن
now in the cave

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