So yeah there are Eurasians here. And the most fascinating is in Indonesia, because they really look European, but they speak like "gue pasti ingati nenek gue" ☆ Bahasa ☆ no shame (~ v ~)/
So can you imagine if Ashkenazis have mixed with Indonesians during the Dutch rule. That means ... they're European Jews! They can say Gal Gadot is like a lost long cousin. And if people look down on their Nusantara, they can defend it bcoz betti hai

.:❄ Like a true Zion ציון, in your blood there is the breath ❄:.
Dear Greenstein your "stein" is like Afghanistan ☆ Saul ☆ Indo Arya
מראה מראה שעל הקיר מי הכי הוגן בארץ ❆ϟ .:(~ v ~):. ☆ Aqsa
![]() Millenials | ![]() Central Asians | ![]() שבת שלום | Ben David | ![]() Eve |
3 comments on "Bat Zion"
To be frank, people have survived many hardships. We have seen Iraq, Syria being rained with missiles. We have experience planes shot with missile they die falling from the sky, crashed into mountain, sea. We have witness people burnt alive. Even our rescuers die on duty, people who have never been VIPs, who sacrificed themselves without receiving gains in this world. While the glorified are pampered, celebrated, awarded and remembered, our defense were shot execution style they disappear without commemoration.
So if I can be honest, I've seen people in war having superior sense of humor about life. And they carry on, grateful for the little things that they still have. Their life has a grand hope for the hereafter. Their faith remains strong, their mettle evident. Oh how amazing that the believer is always in goodness - when calamity strikes there is a hope, in easy times there is relief.
FYI the European sent letter regarding support for military veterans. Many of them have trauma and die in their sleep. Of course having sad memories can affect someone. But every event in life is a test of our resolve. This world is maya - and those whose life is not limited to this world, who have hopes in the hereafter - they surpass this life and look forward to the eternity. They dream of it and be promised with it ever after. So have this dream. To have the dream (kholemet) is to have the vision.
.:☆:. vidi veda buddha
To doctors tweeting mental health, for me I believe what mankind need is "the vision". OK I know at least two of you question the faith behind this, but isn't it the brain chemistry. So how does the brain chemistry happens?
I can't state for brain injuries. But for people without any form of brain trauma, what is really behind the brain fluctuating our moods - is it hormones, memories etc? What is causing one to be in such a down state. Can you remember the feeling when you're excited - energized floating lightness oh the brightness. .:(* v *):. So, what body chemistry that charges, elevate this energy in our physique.
E = MC2
So. If your body is a play of mass and energy. Then how much mass, how much energy. Is it, when more of our body mass turning into energy, there is more radiation. But what kind of radiation. Is it, when the body radiates the higher energy (visible light) it is bright peaceful, while the lower energy (microwave) is dim restless. We can see this energy brightness evident in the scans of brain activity, isn't it.
So. The ultimate question. How do we achieve this higher energy? How do we turn our brain, body mass into light? OK, please brace for it, this is where one needs a bit of faith. I believe there is a heavenly LIGHT that reaches us - like the TV receiving light waves. So when we have this LIGHT our brain lights up, but when we lost this it goes no transmission.
And to receive this LIGHT, we have to have that connection (yoke i.e. yogi), like tune to the right frequency channel. When we reach this frequency, we will receive "the vision". As Heraclius says, "this is faith, when it's delight enters the heart and mixes with it completely". ☆ Aura
الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام ♡ .:(~ v ~):. like a Cohen
Shalom aleichem שלום עליכם is Hebrew, they know it like their own Ben David ♡ Rayyah
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