שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד
فمن كان يرجوا لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا

May 21, 2019


Posted By Snow at 5/21/2019
Tracing back to the 13th century, it was the era of the Mongol Empire. Spreading across the continent, the House Of Wisdom in Baghdad fell to the Mongols and Al Musta'sim became the last Abbasid Caliph of Baghdad. The shock reverberated across the Islamic world.

Then by some miracle, the Khans embraced Islam and championed the Light across Asia. The Ilkhan became patrons of Persian learning. And Shams Al Din from Bukhara was elected Governor in Yunan. Previously, Bukhara was like Baghdad with scholars e.g. Ibn Sina.

Then in the 15th century Ming Dynasty, his descendant Zheng He maintained peace in Nusantara, which helped spread Islam. This was when Iskandar Shah became the first Sultan of Melaka. Then under Mansur Shah, Melaka became a center of scholarship and Islam .:☆:. The Miracle

The era of Alauddin Riayat Shah a.k.a Aladdin ☆ Suri
So did scholarship shine again in Melaka and did it came from Persia


 كلكم راع وكلكم
مسئول عن رعيته

بربوات عاديل دان سقسام
سوڤاي دريڠنــكن الله تعالى
كيرا كيرامو



很久以前 在过去的岁月里

مالم بولن دڤاڬر بينتڠ
تمبه سري چواچ مالم
اينده سوڠڬوه چيڤتأن توهن
بولن بينتڠ لمڤو عالم
Malam bulan dipagar bintang
Tambah seri cuaca malam
Indah sungguh ciptaan Tuhan
Bulan bintang lampu alam
The night, as the stars surround the moon
Arising the radiance of the night
Oh how beautiful is God's creations
The moon and stars, lights of the universe


دڠر بدوق بربوڽي
سايوڤ برݢما دي صبح سوڽي
ممڠݢيل کڤد مسلمين
سݢرا بربقتي کڤد إلهي

سوارا اذان مڠالون
تردڠر سايوڤ ممچه سوڽي
مموهون رستو دڠن بقتي
کڤد إلهي توهن مها سوچي

تردڠر سوارا تکبير
مموجي نام إلهي
راس دالم قلبو
تنترم دان امان سلالو
Dengar beduk berbunyi
Sayup bergema di subuh sunyi
Memanggil kepada muslimin
Segera berbakti kepada Ilahi

Suara azan mengalun
Terdengar sayup memecah sunyi
Memohon restu dengan bakti
Kepada Ilahi, Tuhan Maha Suci

Terdengar suara takbir
Memuji nama Ilahi
Rasa dalam kalbu
Tenteram dan aman selalu
Listen to the bedug
Echoing in the quiet dawn
Calling the muslims
To worship Ilahi

The adhan waves
Echoing in the silence
Seeking blessings with devotion
From Ilahi, God Most Glory

Listen to the takbeer
Praising the name of Ilahi
In the heart it feels
Serene and peaceful

بيارله كو سيمڤن سمڤأي ننتي اكو كن اد د سانتنڠ له ديري كو دالم كداماين
Biarlah ku simpan sampai nanti aku kan ada di sana ♡ tenang lah diri ku dalam kedamaian

When Melaka fell to the Portuguese in the 16th century, it was the start of the colonial era

3 comments on "Ming"

Snow on May 21, 2019, 7:51:00 PM said...

REPOST During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1628M), muslims in China received good treatment. The Ming emperors elected many muslims, especially as administrators and scholars. The Ming Dinasty welcomed the teachings of Islam, so much its emperor built a mosque in Nanjing and wrote the 100 word praise of Islam...

Under the initiative of Zheng He, the Sultan of Malacca visited the Emperor of China, and returned with muslim craftsmen who assisted in the buiding of mosques in Malacca. With the help of Zheng He, The Emperor of China became the patron of Malacca, thus becoming the patron of the development of Islam as Malacca spreads its empire...

the identitiy of Zheng He is, he is said to be a descendant of Rasulullah (PBUH)... His ancestor is Sayyidina Syamsuddin (Sai-Dian Chi), the son of the Sultan of Bukhara who lost to Gengis Khan. Sayyid Syamsuddin became a prisoner in Peking, but he became elected as Assistant Minister in Yunan. Not only that, he attracted thousands of locals to embrace Islam... Zheng He, the descendant of Rasulullah (PBUH) did not only helped the Sultanate of Malacca in trade, but also maintained peace in the Malay archipelago which helped the spread of Islam."

Ahlul Bait Rasulullah dan Kesultanan Melayu
Muzaffar Mohammad & Suzana Othman, pg 105-107, Malaysia
ISBN 983-3020-01-1

Snow on May 28, 2019, 6:18:00 AM said...

Yunan is "Greece" in Arabic (yunan يونان) #Ionia

Snow on Sep 13, 2022, 1:42:00 PM said...

Be like the water老子
这 一 法 律古 老 但 仍 然 有 效

道 冠 古 今

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


קרן  .:💡:.  قرن
now in the cave

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