שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד
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Jun 20, 2009

Cozy Up

Posted By Snow at 6/20/2009

I'll miss you Maid
Whose going to clean & cook for us now

The Holy Quran says I'm poor. وأنتم الفقراء [Q47:38] (◠ v ◠)

If I can say it, I'm one of those people who have experienced sleeping in a hotel suite with lamb chops in bed; and sleeping at the mosque. The mosque is waaay less luxurious but still nice. (◠ - ◠)

Still, wouldn't it be nice to live in luxury. But yeah, if I have lamb chops in bed every time, there's risk of cardiovascular disease. Walking daily, like what poor people do is probably healthier. The human body is meant to work, right? [QA work]

Anyway, yesterday I feel so tired doing home chores after work. Still I'm so happy Fatima lived a hard life - I remember her saying how tired she was. She asked for a maid from Rasulullah (PBUH) but he won't give her. ألا أدلكما على خير مما سألتماه [SB4.53.344] Still, if I can, I'd love a maid who comes in without living in. Like the hotel room service. She'll work fixed time, with weekend off. Her agency trains & protects her - they're so professional, nobody looks down on their home keepers. "We have pride in what we do. We manage homes."

Of course, I never dealt with maids. So, I don't know. Still, I know coming home to relax, with everything ready & in place is splendid. That's why I prefer a cozy home. (~ v ~)

1 comments on "Cozy Up"

Snow on Jan 23, 2015, 7:24:00 PM said...

Shall I not tell you of a thing which is better for you than a servant?
It is the King. So magnify Allah, praise Allah & glorify Allah. ♥الله اكبر، سبحان الله، الحمد لله

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


קרן  .:💡:.  قرن
now in the cave

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