שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד
فمن كان يرجوا لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا

Jul 19, 2011

Still Learning

Posted By Snow at 7/19/2011 3 comments
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
و إذا البحار فجرت

And when the seas are erupted [Holy Quran 82:3]

الحمد لله isn't it nice to be able to understand the Holy Quran in its purest beauty. Especially for someone who doesn't speak arabic. Word-by-word, I think the above verse means: [REF]

the seas

البحار (al-bihar : the seas) roots from بحر (bahr : sea). That's sure. But فجرت (fojjirat), I'm not so sure. I know فجر (fajr : dawn). So is it similar in meaning - rising - like the dawn? والله أعلم

This chart shows the increase in sea level since 1993. Sea level rise is caused by [1] melting land ice, [2] the expansion of sea water as it warms. [NASA]
The translations has "And when the seas are erupted". So, if I read this without considering "فجر dawn" I'd imagine a tsunami. But now, I wonder if it's a rising sea-level, like the dawn?

There's an almost identical verse:

و إذا البحار سجرت
And when the seas are set on fire [Holy Quran 81:6]

which replaces فجرت (fojjirat) with سجرت (sojjirat). سجرت (sojjirat) roots from سجر (sajara: to fire up, heat). This word is also used in another verse و البحر المسجور And the sea filled (with fire) [Holy Quran 52:6] - in which the word became المسجور (al-masjoor).

So, is the sea warming?

so much to ask

✿ Thermohaline Circulation ..........................................................................................................................................................
[20] مرج البحرين يلتقيان [19] بينهما برزخ لا يبغيان
He released the two seas, meeting (side by side). Between them is a barrier (so) neither of them transgresses. [Holy Quran 55:19-20]

The ocean is not still water, it is always moving ... with warm waters rising and cold waters falling in a circulation. This is called the Thermohaline Circulation - bcoz thermo (heat) and haline (saltiness) drives it. [video] So, is the above verse referring to this circulation, specifically the water density which separates between warm - cold water?

✿ Fresh Water - Salt Water ..........................................................................................................................................................
وهو الذي مرج البحرين هذا عذب فرات وهذا ملح أجاج وجعل بينهما برزخا وحجرا محجورا
It is He Who has let free the two bodies of flowing water: One palatable and sweet, and the other salt and bitter; yet has He made a barrier between them, a partition that is forbidden to be passed. [Holy Quran 25:53]

This verse perhaps describes the relationship between fresh water & salt water.

Anyway, those who read & understand the Holy Quran by heart is blessed with an amazing guiding light. يهدى به الله من اتبع رضوانه سبل السلام ويخرجهم من الظلمات إلى النور [Q5:16] وأنزلنا إليكم نورا مبينا [Q4:174-175] To be able to understand the Holy Quran in its purest beauty, and discover it's truth ... isn't it amazing! ماشاء الله

May Allah SWT blesses us with guiding light.

I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors.
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم

Jul 8, 2011

Computer Graphic

Posted By Snow at 7/08/2011 9 comments
Computer graphics (CG) is glamourous for its special effects in 3D movies & video games. [watch how its done] But CG is more than that - it also benefits the unglamourous fields, e.g.:

design & construction
(Photoshop, 3DS Max)
(flight simulation)
(map apps)

وأعدوا لهم ما استطعتم من قوة
.............................................. Even in the police force ..............................................

Say you saw a crime. You describe the criminal's face to the police & they figure out his photo. This is Photo-Fit. Photos of facial features are used to build a suspect's image. A later evolution is the Evo-Fit [watch] - where the most similar photo is chosen until a fit is found.
Fingerprint Database
As we know, there's no two identical fingerprints. & America's FBI has IAFIS - the largest biometric database in the world. It is a fingerprint and criminal history system that aids officers in solving and preventing crimes. For mobility, there is also the mobile fingerprint scanners that can carry out identity checks on suspects in the street.
License Plate Recognition
Speed cams can read your plate number and speed. So if you speed over limit, it can issue a ticket automatically. It can also be used to track stolen cars etc. The UK has an extensive ANPR CCTV network - as it tracks car movements & store them for intelligence and future evidence. So. They're watching! [busted] (◠v◠)v
Modelling, Simulation & Mapping update
Say the wreckage of MH17 is photographed and used to build 3D models of the plane - investigators can see the damage to its structure - as well as simulate how it fell, from where it was hit etc. Such simulation can also be used for other crashes, to determine how it happened. [watch] Satellite maps can also be used to map the crash area. [watch]
Thermal Imaging
There are cameras that can detect heat - so it can see body heat in the darkness of the night etc. Others can also detect blood stains better. [ref] But... these cameras see infrared light, isn't it? It's interesting bcoz it's a visual device, but to say it is CG... I'm not sure. '(◠v◠)v
Anyway for those in your daily normal life, check these out.
In your book, bread, milk, shower gel, light bulb...
The smart phone can scan it - for product information, halal status etc [watch]

Jul 2, 2011


Posted By Snow at 7/02/2011 3 comments
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
[3] و أرسلنا عليهم طيرا ابابيل
[4] ترميهم بحجارة من سجيل
And He sent against them Flights of Ababil.
Striking them with stones of baked clay.

[Holy Quran 105:3-4]
OK. First, there's a surah named "The Elephants" in the Holy Quran. [Q105] It recites a miraculous event - so grand - that the year it happened is referred to as the "Year of the Elephants". It was the year 570 or 571. The birth year of Prophet Muhammad .

It's named the elephants bcoz 60,000 troops & 13 elephants (or 9 elephants) had set off for Makkah to destroy the Kaabah. [Syed Maududi] But, somehow they perished on the way. I read, perhaps somewhere in the Valley of Muhassir - between Mina and Mudzalifah. The Holy Quran reveals that "Flights of Ababil" (طيرا ابابيل) striked them with stones of baked clay.

So. How did it happen? ^^

I don't know what happened. But if something like that were to happen today, I'd imagine an asteroid like the one over Siberia on June 30, 1908. [Tungaska] It is estimated that an asteroid entered the Earth's atmosphere & exploded mid-air. Sending fireballs and energy equivalent to about 185 Hiroshima bombs. \(◠@◠)/

So ferocious, a man will be hurled from his chair & he will feel as though his shirt is on fire - 40 miles from the explosion. It sent shock waves in some places, equivalent to an earthquake of 5.0 on the Richter scale. & over the next few days, night skies in Asia and Europe were aglow.

So, anyone wants to experiment earth samples in Muhassir? I also wondered about other sites, like Vale of Siddim. [map | photo] REF فجعلنا عاليها سافلها وأمطرنا عليهم حجارة من سجيل [Q15:74-77] But, will anyone say "Oh pity. She's digging & staring at dirts!"

Please understand the significance, TQ. (◠p◠)

I seek refuge to Allah from errors
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


קרן  .:💡:.  قرن
now in the cave

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