שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד
فمن كان يرجوا لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا

Aug 6, 2017

Elul - Hajj

Posted By Snow at 8/06/2017 2 comments

ما شاء الله do they look like Indo Greeks #ihram #hajj
אני לדודי ודודי לי انا لي داود و داود لي #brotherhood

Good news. Elul is Dzulhijjah this year - insha Allah the month starts on 23rd August 2017. So insha Allah, in two weeks time there will be the hajj, the super massive reunion of mankind on Earth. ما شاء الله may the pilgrims rites be accepted, and may they receive hajj mabrur.

BTW in Masjidil Haram, the most beautiful sight is the tawaf طواف (circling the Kaabah seven times). Does it seem like ... a galaxy of child stars circling the parent star? If I may ... it seems like mankind returning to the place of their parents Adam and Eve - how they seek forgiveness from Ilahi, so they may return to Heaven. And we too seek forgiveness from Ilahi, so we may return to Heaven as well. ☆ Mercy

And there is no one else but you and your beloved - praying to Ilahi alone - the One God Most High
אלהינו ה' אחדإلهنا هو احد ☆ Our God Is One ☆ AshuraWings Of Mercy

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
البيت مثابة للناس

the House a place of return for the people [Q2:125-129]

☆ please note the Arabic and Hebrew are similar ☆ Ben DavidThird Temple

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


קרן  .:💡:.  قرن
now in the cave

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