As a muslim, I love to learn from the muslim role models. So how to know a righteous man? Khadija, Princess of Quraish see good values in Muhammad Rasulullah, she said of him:
A giving man. Isn't he charming! ماشاء الله ❤إنك لتصل الرحم، وتحمل الكل وتكسب المعدوم، وتقري الضيف، وتعين على نوائب الحق You keep good relations with your Kith and kin, help the poor and the destitute, serve your guests generously and assist the deserving calamity-afflicted ones." [SB1.1.3]
A righteous giving man. Like the one Allah loves - Abraham. He was forbearing, tender-hearted, oft-returning (to Allah). [Q11:75] Allah SWT calls him Al Khalil. خليلا [Q4:125] & funny, Al Khalil sounds similar to Superman's real name Kalel. (◠v◠) Superman loves to help too.
Still he never asks anything in return. He loves purely because of Allah SWT. لا يحبه إلا لله [SB9.85.74] When Moses first met his future wife, he watered her sheep. & then after helping, he prays to Allah for help. Look at him. He's desperately in need of help but didn't ask from her when he can, he's the one helping her & retreated to pray. رب إني لما أنزلت إلي من خير فقير [Q28:24]
For sure, Allah SWT Helps him the best! ❤
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