و إذا البحار فجرت
And when the seas are erupted [Holy Quran 82:3]
الحمد لله isn't it nice to be able to understand the Holy Quran in its purest beauty. Especially for someone who doesn't speak arabic. Word-by-word, I think the above verse means: [REF]
فجرت fojjirat erupted |
البحار al-biharu the seas |
إذا izha when |
و wa and |
البحار (al-bihar : the seas) roots from بحر (bahr : sea). That's sure. But فجرت (fojjirat), I'm not so sure. I know فجر (fajr : dawn). So is it similar in meaning - rising - like the dawn? والله أعلم
There's an almost identical verse:
And when the seas are set on fire [Holy Quran 81:6]
which replaces فجرت (fojjirat) with سجرت (sojjirat). سجرت (sojjirat) roots from سجر (sajara: to fire up, heat). This word is also used in another verse و البحر المسجور And the sea filled (with fire) [Holy Quran 52:6] - in which the word became المسجور (al-masjoor).
So, is the sea warming?
✿ Thermohaline Circulation ..........................................................................................................................................................
[20] مرج البحرين يلتقيان [19] بينهما برزخ لا يبغيان He released the two seas, meeting (side by side). Between them is a barrier (so) neither of them transgresses. [Holy Quran 55:19-20]
The ocean is not still water, it is always moving ... with warm waters rising and cold waters falling in a circulation. This is called the Thermohaline Circulation - bcoz thermo (heat) and haline (saltiness) drives it. [video] So, is the above verse referring to this circulation, specifically the water density which separates between warm - cold water?

✿ Fresh Water - Salt Water ..........................................................................................................................................................
وهو الذي مرج البحرين هذا عذب فرات وهذا ملح أجاج وجعل بينهما برزخا وحجرا محجورا It is He Who has let free the two bodies of flowing water: One palatable and sweet, and the other salt and bitter; yet has He made a barrier between them, a partition that is forbidden to be passed. [Holy Quran 25:53]
This verse perhaps describes the relationship between fresh water & salt water.
Anyway, those who read & understand the Holy Quran by heart is blessed with an amazing guiding light. يهدى به الله من اتبع رضوانه سبل السلام ويخرجهم من الظلمات إلى النور [Q5:16] وأنزلنا إليكم نورا مبينا [Q4:174-175] To be able to understand the Holy Quran in its purest beauty, and discover it's truth ... isn't it amazing! ماشاء الله
May Allah SWT blesses us with guiding light.
I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors.
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم
![]() The Miracle | Earth | ![]() Beautiful Earth | Four Seasons | ![]() Rip Currents |