So today, I just wanna reminisce
These are pictures in my PicasaWeb with its back story

OK, this was bcoz I had an argument v(◠p◠)v
Well.. some thought Turkey wearing the hijab is spiraling the country
But Hayrunnisa Gul can still have a friendly chat with the Queen, الحمد لله
So it's fine, people... I pray so... & beautiful ماشاء الله
[more Turkish hijabis 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6]

I think this was coz I put up the Al Hashemi post
Reem Al Hashemi doesn't seem royal... but she seems special
She was the only hijabi from the 7 women of 65 CEOs at the KL Forbes
Isn't that something! Hope to see more like her ماشاء الله

I think this beautiful girl Abeer is Palestinian & she passed away
Bcoz of heartbreak? People can die of heart break. Even Israelis ❤
She reminds me of Aisha Hassan Malik, but I hope Aisha is happier
Both girls are 10 yo, and their fathers were imprisoned

Ummm... I don't quite remember why I hv this photo ha ha..
But I wish these girls are Saudi doctors goofing around v(◠v◠)v
I love this collection of rocks.. It could've been jewels!
But some are rocks, some are jewels.. why is that? (◠-◠)
Anyway, maybe I had this photo bcoz of the Ababil post
2 comments on "Reminisce"
Isn't it a wonder how Abeer looks so beautiful without even trying. ماشاء الله
Precious stones emit light [Q57:12-13]
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