~10,000 living species of birds | wiki
Species from just the Hummingbird family | species list
I haven't read much about birds. (◠p◠)
I simply thought the many bird species are amazing ماشاء الله. From this one bird family, comes thousands of species - each with its special traits. إلا أمم [Q6:38] Sparrows chirps sweetly. Parrots [video] can imitate human speech. Pigeons are smart air mailers. Hummingbirds are the fastest - speedier than a jet fighter at full throttle. Peacock is the beauty queen.

Even a crow. It cleans the environment & guided a human. ماشاء الله
فبعث الله غرابا يبحث في الأرض ليريه [Q5:31]
In the Holy Quran, Allah SWT asks us to look at how birds fly. ألم يروا إلى الطير مسخرات في جو السماء ما يمسكهن إلا الله [Q16:79] This is how the Wright Brothers [ref] noticed that the air flowing over the curved surface of the birds' wings created lift. & how birds change the shape of their wings to turn and maneuver. صافات ويقبضن [Q67:19]
This resulted in the very first airplane. And now, muslims worldwide can visit Mecca in just a matter of hours. ولسليمان الريح غدوها شهر ورواحها شهر [Q34:12] الحمد لله

Airplanes were inspired by birds
But my friend said they look like fishes in an aquarium (◠v◠)

Anyway, I find it romantic to receive a pigeon mail. [ref]
اذهب بكتابي هذا فألقه إليهم [Q27:28] #الهدهد #hoopoe
I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم
Nature Stamps | ![]() Special People | Putrajaya | ![]() Beautiful Earth | ![]() Wings of Mercy |
2 comments on "Bird"
If that bird sing to me, it's so funny! (^v^)
Yeah, nice to know humans are not the only living species on this planet.
I know animals even have personality! Like these 2 cats that come to my house. One is naughty, but his cuteness makes him lovable... The other is good mannered, but she lacks the charm I feel. A lot of times, I feels she's like me.
Allah SWT tells David to be fair in treating others. He & the birds sing praises to Allah SWT.
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