بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
I don't really know if I can say this beautifully. Still... I think being muslim is the most beautiful thing ever. Through this journey called life — in hardship or in ease — a muslims knows he/she is never alone. Allah SWT is Most Merciful, always guiding to righteousness. & Allah SWT is always near, Most Watching, Most Knowing, Most Compassionate to us.
I wish mankind feels how great Allah SWT's mercy is to us. In our life & in our death. When you feel the sweetness of faith, you will not want to ever depart from it.
With that in the heart, so what is the life of a muslim. Fine... it's not full of sea splitting moments. Muslims live somewhat like any other person. We eat, drink, marry. It's just, in Islam, this world is only for mankind to do good deeds as much as we can before we die. Only in the hereafter, that we will receive our book of deeds, hopefully it is beautifully written, & rewarded. فأما من أوتي كتابه بيمينه فيقول هاؤم اقرءوا كتابيه [Q69:19] The life of this world, is only a short journey.
So. How do muslims live in this short journey? OK, maybe the daily routine is like this:
& I think I should do these until I die. (◠v◠) Yes, the day is filled with prayers. & work. Of course we have family & friends fun time in between. Then in the month of Ramadhan, we fast. We also pay zakat (somewhat like charitable taxes) every year. & we perform hajj in Mecca once in a lifetime.
A farmer harvesting crops to feed the nation
Work. As mentioned, when we do something, it is written in our book of deeds. So, perhaps some consider that acts can be classified as either "worldly deeds" (e.g: luxury vacation) or "hereafter deeds" (e.g: feed orphans). Still, I think there are many deeds that we must do simply to support our life in this world. We need food, clothes, shelter, medicine etc — it does not come magically. It needs work. ولا تنس نصيبك من الدنيا [Q28:77]
So... please permit me to say this. While "hereafter works" are maybe associated with scholars of Islam, with some muslims becoming highly respected for their Islamic knowledge. Still, the rest of the muslims are also dedicating their life for Allah SWT in other lines of work. Sometimes, with more struggle & danger.
E.g: a farmer when he toiled hard to feed the nation, a construction worker with his exhaustion carrying bars & cement to build infrastructures, defense force with their life crime fighting, or healthcare workers during dangerous outbreaks.
If they're sincere & remembers Allah SWT — it is righteousness.
فإذا قضيت الصلاة فانتشروا في الأرض وابتغوا من فضل الله [Q62:10 | QA]
If we look back, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, Lady Khadija, Caliph Abu Bakar, Caliph Uthman themselves were merchants. Perhaps honest traders who gives good services to the nation are not usually associated with piety, but I think it is righteousness. ماشاء الله
Knowledge sought by ancient muslims benefits us to this day | 1001 Inventions | Translation
Of course, seeking the knowledge is important. Still, the earliest muslims at the time of the Prophet ﷺ were learning Islam only after the revelation came to them later in life. So it's not too late for anyone! & when Allah SWT blesses someone with guidance , it will reach him either way. إن شاء الله
إنك لا تهدي من أحببت ولكن الله يهدي من يشاء وهو أعلم بالمهتدين
Indeed, you do not guide whom you love but Allah guides whom He wills
and He is Most Knowing of the (rightly) guided. [Q28:56] | and Q7:43
I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors.
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم
![]() Guidance | Muhammad | ![]() Things To Do | ![]() Dream Land | ![]() Man |
2 comments on "Being Muslim"
Palestinian Iqbal al-Assad just graduated. [pic | ref]
At 20 yo, she's possibly the youngest Arab doctor ever! الحمد لله
I remember her as a med student in Servant Serves. ♥ ألله يحـفـظها
I saw someone who is getting interested in Islam, so I'm so happy for her! I wish she will be under Allah SWT's Mercy. Honestly, I wish this for all mankind. ♥ Sometimes, I see people long for God, searching & searching...
Still if I may say this... I kinda worry if they feel hurt by people. Islam itself safeguards life & dignity (ours & others), but the people sometimes forget. So, pls be brave! Stay under Allah's Care & hope for the best. ♥ ألله يحـفـظهم
Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said, "Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to mankind." [Sahih Bukhari 9.93.473]
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
And proclaim to the people the Hajj (pilgrimage); they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass. [Q22:27] | Adam Eve
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