Visible light is the rainbow part in the EM Spectrum ☆ video
I have worked with illumination in
Computer Graphics. It is basically coloring scenes, like in the movie Toy Story, only using
math to figure out the shades of
يتفيأ ظلاله [
In real life it is lighting. With light, we can see the colors of things.
The Visible Light
OK, imagine there are
particles of light
flying around you all the time. How they move is classed in the
EM spectrum. And your
eyes can see one very small class of this spectrum — visible light. It is the rainbow part, so we see visible light as colors of the rainbow.
So, when you look at a tree. What happens is, particles of visible light from that tree goes to your eyes. Then your brain process its colors, and images the tree in your mind. When you look in the mirror, particles of visible light from you is reflected back to your eyes. Then your brain images that refection in your mind.
Light Travels
Particles of light flies around you all the time. Light speed is the fastest known in the universe — 186,000 miles per second — it can circle the Earth 7.5 times in a second. It's like the universe's speed limit.

Then, what happens when there is no visible light? In this case your eyes do not process any colors — so you see nothing — which is darkness.
فإذا هم مظلمون [
Q36:37] Like this tree, it blocks the light. So the area without it has no colors, it is dark. Basically, darkness is the absence of light.
فما له من نور [
But on a funny occurrence, when there is visible light — but its path is bended — you see things that does not exist. Like the mirage. This happens when visible light from the sky bends as it travels between cold and warm air. This bending produces a displaced image, so you see water that does not exist, because of the blueness from the sky.
كسراب بقيعة يحسبه الظمآن ماء حتى إذا جاءه لم يجده شيئا [
The Invisible
All the things that our eyes can see, thanks to the rainbow colors of visible light, is actually a very small class in the EM spectrum. There are
other spectrums around us — radiowaves, microwaves, infra red, ultra violet, x rays, gamma rays — which your eyes cannot see. They are invisible.

And you use these invisible spectrum when you listen to the radio, watch TV, use your smartphone, surf the internet, remote lock your car, microwave food etc. The invisible
exists around us and it is HUGE. If EM spectrum is a reel of film stretching 2,500 miles, the visible spectrum is only one tiny frame and the rest is invisible. |
So just bcoz you can't see it, does not mean it is not around you.
ماشاء الله
Muslims has a term called
ghaib (
غيب : unseen). It is true.
اعوذب لله من الشيطان الرجيم
إن الله يعلم غيب السماوات والأرض والله بصير بما تعملون
Indeed, Allah knows the unseen (aspects) of the heavens and the earth.
And Allah is Seeing of what you do | Holy Quran 49:18
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