I read her father is Ashkenazi from Eastern Europe, and her mother is MoroccanYemenite. Wikipedia states Yemenite Jews are the most Jews of all Jews. Wow. So Yemen was Jewish scholarship then. Is this why the Hadith said "والفقه يمان والحكمة يمانيةThe capacity for understanding religion is Yemenite and Wisdom is Yemenite". [SB5.59.673 | Ka'ab]
Of course the Yemenite scholars were ancient, it was so long ago to remember. Even the Mutawakelite Kingdom celebrating NASA ... yes they did celebrate space exploration, even if only evidenced in stamps.
Anyway Babylon is also Jewish heartland. Yes, Iraq. Did Israelite enrich the House Of Wisdom in Baghdad, all the way to Bukhara and Samarkand. It was Wise Men Of The East.
يا غلام إني أعلمك كلمات
احفظ الله يحفظك
احفظ الله تجده تجاهك
إذا سألت فاسأل الله
وإذا استعنت فاستعن بالله
واعلم أن الأمة لو اجتمعت
على أن ينفعوك بشيء
لم ينفعوك إلا بشيء
قد كتبه الله لك
وإن اجتمعوا
على أن يضروك بشيء
لم يضروك بشيء
إلا بشيء قد كتبه الله عليك
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