The last 10 nights of Ramadhan is here الحمد لله
May Allah SWT blesses & forgives us ❤
Honestly, when I see the saf (rows) of people, it resembles the magnetic field. [REF] ماشاء الله It's the way iron dusts align around a magnet. FYI, humans also have iron in our blood حجارة أو حديدا [Q17:50] ...
& the tawaf (circling the Kaabah) resembles the birth of galaxies, stars, planets, atoms, time, light, energy, snow. (◠oo◠)
ألم تر إلى الذين يزكون أنفسهم ۚ بل الله يزكي من يشاء ولا يظلمون فتيلا
Have you not seen those who claim themselves to be pure? Rather, Allah purifies whom He wills, and injustice is not done to them, (even) as much as a thread (inside a date seed). | Holy Quran 4:49
الذين يجتنبون كبائر الإثم والفواحش إلا اللممإن ربك واسع المغفرة هو أعلم بكم إذ أنشأكم من الأرض وإذ أنتم أجنة في بطون أمهاتكم
فلا تزكوا أنفسكم هو أعلم بمن اتقى
Those who avoid the major sins and immoralities, only slight ones. Indeed, your Lord is vast in forgiveness. He is Most Knowing of you when He produced you from the earth, and when you were fetuses (أجنة ajna) in the wombs of your mothers. So do not claim yourselves to be pure, He is Most Knowing of who has taqwa. | Holy Quran 53:32
2 comments on "Ten Nights"
I think it's also the month of Elul. It's the month of repentance & coming closer to God. A Jewish person tries to amend his/her behavior & seek forgiveness for wrongs done against God & against other human beings. This is observed for the whole month of Elul.
Then the next 10 days of Tishri are the Ten Days of Repentance - beginning with Rosh Hashanah (when the Book of Life is written) & ends with Yom Kippur (when it is sealed). After Yom Kippur, one hopes that they have been forgiven by God.
It seems very similar to Holy Ramadhan. Muslims do the same for the whole month & the highest is in the last 10 nights. Lailatul Qadr (night of power, destiny, decree) [Q97] happened in one of these nights. After Ramadhan, we hope that we have been forgiven by God. ماشاء الله
BTW, the Holy Quran was sent down on Lailatul Qadr. [Q 97:1, 96:1-5]
It's like the Tablets of Commandments sent down on Yom Kippur. [Q7:142-156]
I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors.
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم
In Quran 25:45, I think it indicates movements in the universe.
What it means? If I get this right... let's start with us living in a 3D universe. OK, it's like you in Masjidil Haram - you're in a space that can be measured by 3D (width, length & height). But everything is not moving, until we have the 4th dimension - time. Like when you start moving around, your location in the Masjid can be time-stamped. As in, at 8am you're at the Kaaba, at 10am you're at Safa Hill. When your circle the Kaabah, each exact date to the micro second can time-stamp your progress.
So. What do the Quran verses mean? Is it, movements in the universe are defined by time? & that everything has its time. That every movements, acts can be time-stamped to the micro second or even more. There is a counting. [What is Time] والله أعلم
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