This weekend (20th - 21st), the Orionid meteor shower will light up the night sky! The meteors are actually a debris trail from Halley's Comet. The Earth are plowing right through this debris trails - so enjoy some bits of comet... (◠v◠) كل في فلك يسبحون [Q21:33]

As they say, we are made of star dust! [ref] .:(*v*):. ماشاء الله Well, elements in our human body are created in the stars. E.g: the carbon in our skin حمإ مسنون [Q15:26], the oxygen in our breath الماء اهتزت [Q22:5]. Even the iron in our blood was created just before a star went supernova. أو حديدا [Q17:50]

Anyway, I'm also amazed at how beautiful snow flakes are. Such masterpiece must be designed. سبح اسم ربك الأعلى الذي خلق فسوى والذي قدر فهدى [Q87:1-3], والسماء رفعها ووضع الميزان [Q55:7] & the hydrogen in the snow was not created in the stars, but created after the universe was born, from the Big Bang itself. كانتا رتقا [Q21:30] It is the very first element. سبحان الله
BTW, isn't it amazing how both the stars & snow are created in clouds ...
Does it resemble the tawaf (circling the Kaabah), and muslims worldwide facing Mecca?
I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errorsبسم الله الرحمن الرحيم So set your face toward the religion of truth. The fitrah (nature) of Allah upon which He has created mankind. Let there be no change in the creation (religion) of Allah. This is the right religion, but most people do not know. [Holy Quran 30:30]
فأقم وجهك للدين حنيفا فطرة الله التي فطر الناس عليها
لا تبديل لخلق الله ذلك الدين القيم ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم
Chemistry | ![]() Universe | ![]() Cakerawala | ![]() Guiding Stars | Make A Comet |
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