Have anyone asked how an Asian guy looked like that ماشاء الله
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
والتين والزيتون وطور سينين وهذا البلد الأمين
لقد خلقنا الإنسان في أحسن تقويم ثم رددناه أسفل سافلين
إلا الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات فلهم أجر غير ممنون
فما يكذبك بعد بالدين أليس الله بأحكم الحاكمين
Holy Quran 95 | commentary
![]() Vidi | Millenium BC | ![]() Wish | ![]() Central Asian | ![]() Cake |
6 comments on "Destiny Is Beautiful"
I'm so glad that guy doesn't go "all the other asian guys are soooooo U G L whyyy. Uh they're are soooo jealous of meee coz I look like a maghribiyyya. These degenerate less subspecies are always staring at me, uh what a loser get away from me. & everywhere I go the girls are like crazy & all... I'm so like these people never seen anyone so handsome like me" *swipe hair*
Of course, everyone ages. But the beautiful heart remains. ♥
So if he was kind, his beauty will still remain with him. ماشاء الله
Here's a new map from Syria - China. [pic new map]
The routes may explain:
. Egypt route - the Circassian Hadhramis in Malaysia (e.g.: Azah Aziz, Zeti Akhtar)
. Iraq route - the Jews of Malaya (e.g: Penang Jews, Ezekiel Aaron Manasseh)
Yes, the Jews did reach Asia. I read they reached India since ancient times - from Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Spain etc. Then from India, maybe they reached farther east? And some of them converted to Christianity and became Nasranis. (◠oo◠)
The Malayali Jews of Kerala, India
"Varied traditions about the origin of the Cochin Jews appear in travelers' accounts and in Hebrew chronicles from Malabar, some written as early as the 17th century. Some records say the first Jews sailed to South India on the ships of King Solomon; others say they came during the Babylonian exile; others that they fled to Malabar after the destruction of the Second Temple; and others refer to a fourth-century migration from Majorca...
Jewish merchants known as Radanites began traveling by sea and land between the Mediterranean and China in the ninth century, stopping at ports along the Malabar coast. Commercial documents from the Cairo Genizah give glimpses of Jewish trade with India in the centuries that followed....
Beginning in the early 16th century there was a new migration of Jews to Kerala. Some of the newcomers were Sephardic Jews, direct and indirect refugees from the Spanish and Portuguese expulsions, who came to India by way of Aleppo, Constantinople, and the Land of Israel. Others were from Iraq, Persia, Yemen, and Germany." [MyJewishLearning]
"Attested historically for more than 1,000 years, they developed Judeo-Malayalam language, a dialect of the Malayalam native to the state of Kerala. Some ancient Jews converted to Christianity during the time of Saint Thomas and became Nasranis aka Saint Thomas Christians." [Wikipedia]
The Nasrani Indians are like John Abraham. [pic1, pic2]
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم
FYI Prophet Abraham (PBUH) lived in Mesopotamia. He preached in Ur and then moved to Hebron. He also came to Haran, Egypt, Mecca... So. Considering the expanding human migration at that time, did he preached to the whole world? He is the Father of the Prophets. [Q29:26-27] ماشاء الله
Prophet Abraham called mankind to Allah SWT, the One God. But then, the polytheism that happened to nations after him (or before him) as time passed, could it be like the polytheism that happened at the Kaaba, Mecca.
Then Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) came, he was a descendant of Prophet Abraham. He inherited the faith. And he cleansed the Kaaba, restoring the faith to its original. & like Prophet Abraham, he called all mankind to Allah SWT. He sent invitations to civilisations of Rome, Egypt, Persia at that time. His last sermon was "All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action".
He was the mercy for the worlds. ♥ الحمد لله
The interesting is the Hindu Buddhist has this concept of Brahmin. I read it in the history book, it seems like Brahmin is the scholars of the religion. But since I don't know much, I'm just wondering... Maybe they themselves can see it by their own knowledge. *wish* والله أعلم
And this korean prayer is intriguing. [GIF, pic] OMG! (◠oo◠)
FYI, my ancestors may have been a Hindu Buddhist nation. [ref]. They embraced Islam around the 12-13th century, only after the ancient Arab or Persian traders arrived. So, if these traders didn't say "salam" to the malays & considered them as non muslims separate from them... do you think Islam will reach you, dear malays? And what about your ancestors who did not even meet these traders from before?
We only wish for the best. We wish others will be muslims.
And only Allah SWT Knows what is in the heart & He is the Best Judge.
Think about it & spread the greeting of peace. ♥
Isn't it amazing how the King of The Universe responds to me.
I saw the pillar of cloud! Destiny is breath taking. ماشاء الله
& I found this [pic Psalms], so I'm afraid Allah SWT will not respond to me anymore.
Honestly... Do you feel the same, Israelite? [Q21:105]
Prayers really add to our Magen David. .:(◠v◠):.
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