Afghan tribes e.g. the Yussafzai, Pashtun are said to be Israelite ❤ والله أعلم

Malala Yussufzai
Yussufzai means Ben Joseph
Malala Yussufzai
Yussufzai means Ben Joseph
tikkun olam . repairing the world
When you pass a place & repaired it towards beauty الحمد لله
And you do it sincerely for Allah SWT, without expecting their rewards
كلكم راع وكلكم مسئول عن رعيته
![]() Budi | ![]() Farm | ![]() Action! | Millenium BC | ![]() Dream Land |
4 comments on "Hana Wa Saku"
Imagine if everyone only drinks luxury coffee acting 'elite successful', and no one is planting and picking them - there will be no coffee. Thus the class system should be eliminated, where upon everyone in society has the right to live in dignity. Everyone deserves a good life in dignity, and each one of them contributes to the success of the nation.
The leaders are there to enforce this justice. It is hakeem (judge) who enforce justice with hikmah (wisdom) through the hukumat (government). It is the Kingdom of David - zeh daudi (David) wa zeh rai (raja).
A shepherd is always concerned he is liable to each sheep under his care, that if one is hurt or lost under his watch, the master will be angered. This is an example of how a leader should be concerned of his people, lest Allah SWT will hold him accountable.
May Abdul Sattar Edhi rest in peace ♥ الله يرحمه
Servant of the One who conceals (faults) ❀
The flower ❀ photo ❀ Ben David
May Tetsu Nakamura rest in peace ♥ الله يرحمه
Tetsu 鉄 iron ❀ Nakamura 中村 inside Moriah
"Nakamura was well known in Japan for his aid work, which he had performed for decades. The Peshawar-kai website states that the doctor began providing aid in Peshawar, in northwestern Pakistan, in 1984, going on to open a clinic in Nangarhar in 1991. In 1998, the organization established a hospital in Peshawar to serve as its permanent base for medical operations in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The group also built irrigation canals in Afghanistan following a serious drought in 2000." | Japan Times
"Often seen sporting Pashtun dress, the 73-year-old native of the southern city of Fukuoka headed to Peshawar in northwest Pakistan in 1984 ... The doctor founded Peace Japan Medical Services, known as Peshawar Kai in Japanese and went on to open a clinic in a remote village in Afghanistan in 1991. But he quickly realized that he needed to treat the root causes of illness in Afghanistan, as well as the acute symptoms, and identified better irrigation to fight malnutrition as a priority area for his aid work." | Japan Today
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