שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד
فمن كان يرجوا لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا

Feb 20, 2015

Journey To Aqsa

Posted By Snow at 2/20/2015 6 comments

Welcome to the Holy Land أهلا وسهلا

Under the Dome of Rock (kippah) الحمد لله

Under the Dome is the Foundation Stone. Right? ما شاء الله

Under the Foundation Stone is a cavern, see the nicheMisbah
And the light shines through the hole of the Stone ما شاء اللهRuh

Take the Virtual Tour
by Saudi Aramco World


BTW, isn't it amazing there are Israel and asSyria again right now.
But this time, who will have teshuva (repentance) | QA

قקبسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
يهدي به الله من اتبع رضوانه سبل السلام
ويخرجهم من الظلمات إلى النور بإذنه ويهديهم إلى صراط مستقيم

Wherewith Allah guides those who pursue His pleasure to the ways of peace
and He brings them out of darkness by His Will unto light, and guides them to a Straight Way

Feb 15, 2015

Wings of Mercy

Posted By Snow at 2/15/2015 5 comments
This theory tries to match science with the Holy Scriptures


Scientists figure that, one day, Earth could be engulfed as the Sun grows into a red giant. If this is to happen, the only way for us to survive is to escape to another habitable planet. If humans see this future, then a Mars mission wouldn't seem like a waste of tax payers money — it is building an escape rocket. ✈

But with our money spent on 'more important' stuffs; and even if we do build an escape rocket, we have to  1  find a nice habitable planet  2  survive travelling there — we may never escape Earth, isn't it. أين المفر

So as our body, mansions, super cars, possessions burn to the ash on that Day, the only ones who would be safe are the ones who can somehow escape Earth, raised high to the heavens.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
فمن زحزح عن النار وأدخل الجنة فقد فاز وما الحياة الدنيا إلا متاع الغرور ...
... So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained success. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion.
Partial Holy Quran 3:185

If I may, can I imagine that Day? والله أعلم [QA | SB9.93.532]

After mass extinction, the Earth will die, leveled and barren. Then on the Day of Resurrection, Allah (SWT) will send rain and bodies of the people would grow like vegetation. ينزل الله مطرا ... فتنبت منه أجساد الناس [SM41.7023], كما ينبت البقل [SM65.4935] So all mankind — from the first to the last الأولين والآخرين لمجموعون [Q56:49-50] — emerge from the graves on a reddish white plain أرض بيضاء عفراء [SM39.6708], under the red giant Sun. وتدنو منهم الشمس The first to be dressed will be Abraham. وأول من يكسى يوم القيامة إبراهيم [SB4.55.568] خالصة يوم القيامة [Q7:32]

Eventually the Sun loses its light, and its clouds enshroud as a planetary nebulae. بالغمام [Q25:25], مكوران [SB4.54.422] Then Allah (SWT) rolls up the heavens والسماوات مطويات بيمينه [Q39:67] and changes it into another heavens. Through this cataclysm, mankind fall unconscious, then awakened to receive the Book of Deeds. أمتنا اثنتين وأحييتنا اثنتين [Q40:11] يصعقون ... بصعقة الطور [SB4.55.610 | ref]

Then it will be announced, that every nation follow what they used to worship. So for those who follow the Earth's stones and idols, they will follow what they prefer. وغرتكم الحياة الدنيا فاليوم لا يخرجون منها [Q45:35], فليتبع [SB1.12.770]

Then there will remain believers with its unrighteous ones. As for believers, Allah (SWT) will bless them with light which uncovers their shin, so they fall prostrate before Him. The Sirat will stand, and the righteous ones close to Allah (SWT), who have faith in the One God Most High, shines and raised high. الصراط [SM39.6709], المؤمنين والمؤمنات يسعى نورهم [Q57:12], وجوه يومئذ ناعمة لسعيها راضية في جنة عالية [Q88:8-10]

As for believers with unrighteousness — sparks catch them on the Sirat — some survive scarred, some fall into the Fire. كلاليب ... تخطف الناس بأعمالهم [SB9.93.532] But even if their faith is a mustard seed in weight, they will come out by Allah's (SWT) Mercy. أتينا بها [Q21:47], إيمان [SM1.355] They're put in a river called the Water of Life ماء الحياة [SB1.12.770] at the entrance of Paradise, grow as seeds on river banks, and come out like pearls. ينالهم الله برحمة ۚ ادخلوا الجنة [Q7:49]

As for those whose body stay rigid, they're unable to prostrate — they are without light. ويدعون إلى السجود فلا يستطيعون [Q68:42], مأواكم النار [Q57:13-15], نسوا الله فنسيهم [Q9:67-68], الأسفل [Q4:145]

Raised To The Heavens
והמשכלים יזהרו כזהר הרקיע

The success is to return to Paradise, the origin of Prophet Adam [QA] and his wife Hawa (Eve) before their fall.

إن المتقين في جنات ونهر
في مقعد صدق عند مليك مقتدر

Indeed, the righteous will be among gardens and rivers, in a seat of honor near the King Most Powerful [Q54:54-55]

إنما يتقبل الله من المتقين
Allah only accepts from
the righteous

... فإنه لا يدخل أحدا الجنة عمله
إلا أن يتغمدني الله بمغفرة ورحمة

one's good deeds will not make him enter Paradise ... until Allah bestows His Pardon and Mercy [SB8.76.474]

أثر السجود
mark of prostration

درجات مما عملوا
degrees according to their deeds [Q6:132]

أولكم كالبرق ... تجري بهم أعمالهم
ونبيكم قائم على الضراط يقول
يا رب سلام سلام

the first of you like lightning ... the flow according to their deeds, and your Prophet stands upon the Sirat saying "O my Lord, save save" [SM1.380]

al a'raf (الأعراف : the elevations)
'arif (عرف : enlightened)

اهدنا الصراط المستقيم
Guide us to the straight path
Holy Quran 1:6

يصعد الكلم الطيب
MEMORY  |  Q35:10
حرم الله على النار
أن تأكل أثر السجود

LIGHT  |  IM5.37.4326
Q7:26 دين   
صبغة Q2:138

PONDER Is the Sirat (الصراط) similar to cakerawala. The particles closest (קרבן قربان) to the core has the highest energy zone (ציון 中) it jets a path. While particles farther away pulses slowly (low energy) so they're left behind.

so please be safe

BTW thank you for supporting space mission. May we can see life in the heavens are more grand than we can ever imagine. & hope for Paradise, before our time on this earth end | QA Judgment Day

I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors
Only Allah SWT Knows والله أعلم


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Feb 13, 2015

Black Banner

Posted By Snow at 2/13/2015 2 comments

The rise of the Mongol Empire, 13th century
Back in the 13th century, a new empire dawned from the East - the Mongol. Conquering cities from Asia to Europe, they became the largest contiguous empire in human history.


Black Tug Banner
A replica of the Black Tug Banner flown by Genghis Khan


The Middle East conquered, from 1256
I read the grandson of Gengis Khan, Hulegu Khan's mission was to move into Syria as far as the borders of Egypt. [Saudi Aramco] They conquered fortresses across Iran and the Levant, with efficiency using trebuchets. As seen in the picture, they flew the Black Tug Banner - it is a pole made from horse tail, flown in war time. [Wikipedia]

The Fall of Baghdad, Feb 1258
Then Hulegu Khan turned to the Abbasid city of Baghdad. At the time, Baghdad was the renowed City of Knowledge with its House of Wisdom (بيت الحكمة). But on this day 757 years ago, it fell to the Mongols. The House of Wisdom was destroyed, Al-Musta'sim became the last Abbasid Caliph of Baghdad; and the shock reverberated in the Islamic world.

The Battle of Ain Jalut, Sep 1260
As Hulegu Khan advanced to Syria, the survival of Cairo hung in the balance. But fate intervened, Mongke died so Hulegu returned, leaving the commands to Kitbuqa. They battled in Ain Jalut (Spring of Goliath). Here for the first time, the Mongol was ultimately defeated - none had stopped the Mongol army until they reached Ain Jalut, near Jerusalem. The Mamluk victoriously stopped their westward advance.

Eastern Mongols - Western Mamluk Slav

As the Mongols became the largest contiguous empire in human history, they met the Mamluk and Slav.


Embracing Islam

35 years later in 1295, Gazan Khan of the Mongols in Persia (Ilkhan) embraced Islam. الحمد لله With his conversion, a new era dawned. The Mongols became the champions of Islam, spreading it to India, Indonesia, Malaysia; with Farsi as the langua franca. They also became patrons of Persian learning; they had an observatory in Maragheh [ref] in which Persian and Chinese scholars worked together, while Rashid Al Din (a jewish convert to Islam) wrote the Compendium of Chronicles جامع التواريخ. [ref]

If there was a baby during the fall of Baghdad, he should be at least 37 when Ghazan embraced Islam. Wishing he is muslim.

Was the 13th century quasicrystal at Darb-i Imam, Iran built under the Mongols? Were Turabeg Khanym, Registan & Taj Mahal as well? [ref]

Saudi Aramco states "Khan" is from the Turkic "Han" (prince). Is it like Han Dynasty, hanfu or the surname "Han" (Hang Tuah, Hang Li Po)?

In 1313, Oz Beg Khan of the Mongols in Eurasia (Golden Horde) made Islam as the state religion. الحمد لله They actually had embraced Islam earlier than 1266 - during Berke Khan. Like the Ilkhan, they championed Islam around Kazakhstan and Crimea.

In the 1420s, Ulug Beg of the Turko-Mongol in Central Asia (Chagatai) built an observatory in Samarkand, one of the finest in the world - Samarkand became one of the finest cities. Then in the 1520s, Babur founded the Mughal Empire in India.

Meanwhile, the Mongols in China (Great Khan or Yuan) elected Shams al-Din Omar from Bukhara as Assistant Minister in Yunan - he attracted thousands of locals to embrace Islam. الحمد لله Then when the Ming Dynasty replaced the Yuan, they elected many muslims as administrators, scholars. They elected Zheng He as its most famous admiral - he maintained peace in the Malay archipelago which helped the spread of Islam in the 15th century.

I read Shams al-Din and Zheng He are said to be the Prophet's descendants.
PONDER من وراء النهر ... ويقال له منصور يوطئ او يمكن لآل محمد | AD38.13

ماشاء الله

I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم

Wishing Hulegu, the Mongols and all the rest are like Khalid Walid

Feb 12, 2015


Posted By Snow at 2/12/2015 5 comments

WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAA it's only a movie | watch here
So Jihadi John, why are you identical with that actor? Are all that videos a filming act?
How did you produce sophisticated artful videos as if crafted by professional directors? والله أعلم

Please Japan, do you find this peculiar? May Allah (SWT) reveals the truth and brings justice.
And it's peculiar that Jihadi John speaks good english too - with no Bitza Hut, sanduitsh, al-shokolit...
In pure arabic tongue, Arabs don't have a "g, c, p, v"

Jihadi John is not alone, there's even Abu Bakar Al-Baghdadi | watch here
Did they call him "halife (caliph خليفة)"? Oh Turks, what were they saying?

And the militants... | watch here

And their trucks... | watch here and here

And are they really that tall... they're gigantic

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
فمن وقع في ناره وجب أجره وحط وزره
ومن وقع في نهره وجب وزره وحط أجره
قال قلت: ثم ماذا؟ قال: ثم هي قيام الساعة

He who falls into his 'fire' will certainly receive his reward and have his load taken off him
but he who falls into his 'river' will have his load retained and his reward taken off him
I then asked: What will come next? He said: The Last Hour will come.

BTW in movies, computer graphics can simulate fire by using particle system
I do not know what truly happened, but can I wonder about what I am seeing والله أعلم

What is pulverizing the undamaged lower levels in seconds (3:08)
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