שמע ישראל ה' אלהינו ה' אחד
فمن كان يرجوا لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا

Apr 13, 2015

My Class

Posted By Snow at 4/13/2015

Wise things from public school kids
Yes they're 11, 12 year olds

For me personally ... In my national school, I studied with various races - Malay, Chinese, Indians etc. Even white kids (like Jana) from Australia, bcoz we had a student exchange programme. My teachers are as diverse, I remember Teacher Caroline - I don't really know her race but I remember she was tall & looked foreign. She once said she prefers her own mashed potatoes than KFC and her family is taller, so she seems English-y, I mean what kind of Malay make mashed potatoes and tall, right ...

What the kids
in national schools do

Give me your money &
see the lights .:☆:.
Education wise - I learned chemistry, biology, physics, math, history, geography, arts, sports, religion, accounts ... even cooking, sewing, circuitry, carpentry, plumbing ... even simple english, arabic, computer codes ...

And classes are ordered by exam achievements. Mine was the most academic, but the opposite was the most sporty. Some people lament that classification, but when we were students we don't realize it we just roll - we were kids doing what we do best. هذا من فضل ربي ليبلوني أأشكر أم أكفر

And we love each other. 🤍

I remember my best friend was from the non geek class, she's beautiful.
We made pizza and we're not Italians ha ha ...

And for the lessons in life, we also learned what its like to be unpaid child labor volunteers - as we cooperate to clean the class, school, draw murals, manage events or projects, sell stuffs at school carnivals etc. Thinking of it, I learned so much. Thank you, Teachers .:☆:. الحمد لله

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
... ياأيها الذين آمنوا لا يسخر قوم من قوم عسى أن يكونوا خيرا منهم

O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule (another) people
perhaps they may be better than them ...
[Partial Holy Quran 49:11]

May we all have the class to not to look down on others

5 comments on "My Class"

Snow on Apr 26, 2015, 2:13:00 PM said...

I was just putting my finger on this parquet floor last night, and a chip pricked me. Yes blood o my thumb. While I was reading Levites. Only a real Jew can explain it to me, all I know it's so strange... ماشاء الله

BTW I've been posting at Kenangan Terindah.
It seems I have more realization when I write in Malay. (◠v◠) الحمد لله

Snow on May 15, 2015, 7:35:00 AM said...

I am watching Herodian Quarter [video], and a white glass particle pricked me.
Yes I'm on the same parquet floor, with blood on my right toe right now...
Really, it is rare. I don't know where the glass came from. ماشاء الله

Snow on Jun 8, 2015, 4:14:00 PM said...

So this is love... ♥ לבTabutBueno Aires
"And this is your money, habibti" | Super Rich
(*v*) سلاما سلاما

Snow on Nov 12, 2018, 8:57:00 AM said...

Regarding the education system, the school should be for all, so the people can meet since childhood. Children from across race, status, backgrounds, intelligence etc should meet so their world view is not restricted. When they meet others, they can learn the world is so very diverse. And perhaps each can complement the other. ☆ Stars

Segregation of the children will exacerbate the sense of not wanting to mix with the other

Even in Malaysia, the national school is geared towards modern education. So for muslims, there is no comprehensive Arabic language subject, but many still learn Arabic, Quran, Hadith. So the national school should be for all, while at the same time each can pursue their own interests.

Snow on Jan 1, 2019, 5:34:00 PM said...

This has been the practice for ages. Malays study in both national and religious school, one in the morning session and the other in the afternoon session.

Peace be upon you

Bat Zion


קרן  .:💡:.  قرن
now in the cave

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