I hope I hv my sense of humour back. I did enjoyed people with a sense of humour. Like this one friend. Her lil baby played with her handphone. & baby almost send her photo to her husband's friend. LOL! "That guy would've thought I'm flirting him!" Ha ha ha... Awh that totally will be something. Of course it isn't like the photo is anything much. "Just a plain boring one." Hi hi hi...
Note to self. Remember to not let baby play with handphone. (◠v◠)
There's also this time when they're trying to write a comforting letter to someone who lost a family member. I dunno why but I find this debacle hillarious. The message: "Pls be comforted, we all hv our time & you will see him again, Puan Sri." like in the hereafter, something like that. [Q13:23-24] It's supposed to be nice. & then she goes: "and thus you too will die, Puan Sri" (◠@◠) Argh.. Don't say that...
I wish I can remember many more...
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3 comments on "Fun Shine"
Narrated Abu Burda
That his father said, "The Prophet sent Mu'adh and Abu Musa to Yemen telling them. 'Treat the people with ease and don't be hard on them; give them glad tidings and don't fill them with aversion; and love each other, and don't differ. [Sahih Bukhari 4.52.275]
there's butterflies in this home's garden! ♥ ماشاء الله and chirping birds. & the drama queen fluffy cat isn't snobby anymore, she's cuddly now.
I'm now using OpenOffice! It's the FREE open source version of Microsoft Office. It's my first time installing it, so I won't review it yet. (◠v◠)v
& I installed new fonts, even arabic fonts (♥ Andalus). So now I can write both english & arabic in OpenOffice Writer with nice fonts. الحمد لله
Oh wow.. pretty!
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