In your blood there is my breath
OK! So guess what race that guy is ...

Malaysia have such foreign blood too - like Juliana Banos, Zara Salim Davidson, Zeti Akhtar ... People who look foreign you expect them to speak British English. But they're actually locals, perhaps of mix parentage. So believe it or not, Juliana Banos can speak Malay fluently. At first, some people thought this half-French can't speak Malay. But she's as fluent as this German. (◠v◠)
So, that is the Indonesian & Malaysian people for your thought.

Anyway. Let's get to the big question. WHAT IS RACE?
"A lot of the difficulty in talking about race has been a lack of agreement on what “race” means. In the past, the idea of pure races also included an ordering of certain races as inherently superior to others.
We reject this idea absolutely.
However, that doesn’t mean that there are no genetic differences between populations of different ancestral origin. A few of our features use the genome-wide data of reference populations from around the world to trace the origin of pieces of an individual’s genome.
Some customers have complex patterns depending on where their ancestors originated. These reference populations aren’t “races”; they’re representative samples of peoples who have lived in a SINGLE PLACE for a very long time and have thus accumulated different sets of genetic variants over time." - Anne Wojcicki | ref

As the month of Hajj is here. Again I'm sharing this ... ماشاء الله
إن أباكم واحد كلكم لآدم وآدم من تراب Verily your father is one, all of you is from Adam, and Adam is from dust. Verily the more noble among you to Allah is the one with more taqwa. And there is no superiority for an Arab over a non Arab except by taqwa.
إن أكرمكم عند الله اتقاكم وليس لعربي فضل على عجمى إلا بالتقوى
from the Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
recited at Arafah during his Farewell Hajj
![]() 5781 | Map Of Mankind | ![]() Bat Zion | Human Race | Malay Moms |