The Recipe To Make A Rock
When chemical elements combine, it becomes:
- a rock, when 2 or more elements combine مختلف الوانها [Q35:27]
- a crystal, when an element or mineral grows into a certain shape.
The Rock Cycle

Rocks on this Earth - from mountains, lands etc - are constantly being formed, broken down and then formed again - in a cycle called the Rock Cycle. وترى الجبال تحسبها جامدة وهي تمر مر السحاب [Q27:88] There are 3 types of rocks in this cycle, based on how they're formed. [GEOLOGY | WIKI]
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1 Sedimentary Formed when erosion broke down bits of rocks, which settle in layers upon layers (sediments). منها لما يهبط [Q2:74] This type of rock may contain fossils. الأرض كفاتا [Q77:25-26] E.g.:
2 Metamorphic Formed under ground when the Earth's crust moves, changing a rock with intense heat and pressure (squeezing). [Q27:88] E.g.:
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3 Igneous Formed when liquid rock (magma) flow out from volcanoes, and then cools & hardens as solid rock. عين القطر [Q34:12] E.g.:

Rocks are used for constructions, appliances, fuels etc. But some rocks are considered precious for its aesthetic value. الأرض زينة [Q18:17] When cut and polished, these rocks become expensive jewels. Think diamonds!

Spinel, amethyst, sapphire, aquamarine, peridot, quartz, ruby
& like cultured pearls, new technology can produce synthetic gems identical to it's natural gems. How? For instance, graphite can turn into diamond, under high pressure & high temperature. This is bcoz both graphite & diamond are pure Carbons (C) - the difference is just in its atomic arrangements. So, by changing the arrangement - the stones will change ماشاء الله

Diamond and Graphite - the same pure Carbon (C), only different in atomic arrangements
As humans are 18% Carbon, we can actually become diamond. حمإ مسنون [Q15:26 | anatomy] And I say this literally ... think memorial diamond. [WIKI] (◠ - ◠)'
Meteorites & Space Rocks
The Earth also receives meteorites. These space rocks carry elements, and this is how the Earth received Iron (Fe). وأنزلنا الحديد [Q57:25 | GEOLOGY]
The early Earth itself was bombarded by meteorites. Through time, some asteroids impacted Earth. وأمطرنا عليها حجارة من سجيل منضود [Q11:82]
Now, the Earth continuously receives a rain of space dust.
Water On Rocks

Rocks on Earth are heated by the Sun (exterior) and the Earth's core (interior). It is also showered by water, which erodes rocks. Water are also filtered and stored under ground, which forms springs.
وإن من الحجارة لما يتفجر منه الأنهار ...
... وإن منها لما يشقق فيخرج منه الماء
... there are stones from which rivers burst forth
and there are some of them that split open and water comes out ...
Partial Holy Quran 2:74
I'm still learning. Isn't rocks fascinating! ماشاء الله
I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors
Only Allah SWT Knows Best والله أعلم
Chemistry | Earth | ![]() Third Rock | ![]() Natural Wonders | ![]() Ababil |